Media information

[Translate to Englisch:] GOAL-Tagung

Geoscientists from Latin America visit Eichstätt

At the invitation of the Jura Museum, scientists from twelve Latin American countries are meeting this week at a conference organized by the…

Diocesan archive Eichstätt

Eichstätt celebrates Karljosef Schattner's 100th birthday

The internationally successful architect Karljosef Schattner would have been 100 years old in August this year. The KU, the diocese and the city of…

[Translate to Englisch:] Schalompreis

Shalom Prize 2024 for Indian anti forced labor project

An Indian project against bonded labor will be awarded the Shalom Prize 2024. The KU's Shalom for Justice and Peace working group will be honoring the…

[Translate to Englisch:] Data Science

Attracting international specialists: KU participates in funding program

The KU participates in a nationwide funding program for the recruitment and qualification of international specialists. This program is connected to a…

[Translate to Englisch:] Winter School

KU Winter School: Students as hotel managers in business game

Over 60 students from Germany, Slovakia, Estonia and Poland attended this year's KU Winter School. In a business game, they developed a fictitious…

Fahnen verschiedener Länder

KU signed up for internationalization audit

The KU has begun to undergo the "Internationalization of Universities" audit of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK). In this way, the University aims…

[Translate to Englisch:] Symbolfoto

Growth Opportunities Act: Tax experts examine effect of relief measures and incentives

The Growth Opportunities Act provides for tax relief and incentives for innovation in order to support companies in the face of increased competition…

[Translate to Englisch:] Vertragsunterzeichnung

KU expands cooperation with University of Wroclaw

The University of Wroclaw in Poland and the KU want to intensify their collaboration in the areas of research and teaching. At the end of January, the…

[Translate to Englisch:] Generationen

Study shows link between pension systems and falling birth rate

Economists at the KU and the University of Hanover have looked into an unexpected effect of pension system: a falling birth rate. This means that the…

[Translate to Englisch:] GraKo Practicing Place

The significance of imagination for political and cultural action

At a conference in Eichstätt, doctoral candidates and international guests discussed the importance of imagination for political and cultural action…