News of the Chair of Tourism / Center for Entrepreneurship

Assoc. Prof. Aytuğ Arslan from İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey, visited the Chair of Tourism

From the 6th to 10th December 2021, Assoc. Prof Aytuğ Arslan from İzmir Katip Çelebi University (Tourism Faculty, Department of Tourist Guiding), Turkey, visited the Chair of Tourism / Center for Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as part of an Erasmus exchange program.

During his stay in Germany, Prof Arslan delivered lectures on his research in various classes at the Chair of Tourism / Center for Entrepreneurship.

He discussed corporate entrepreneurship and startup management in tourism with guest lecturer Tomas Waling and the master students of "Entrepreneurial Management and Tourism" at the WFI. In this vein, the professor illustrated the challenges of current and future developments in tourism. As part of the bachelor's seminar "Tourism Management", he spoke about "Diversification in tourism through product development and innovation" by presenting numerous practical examples from the region around Izmir, located on the west coast of Turkey. In the "Planning and Consulting Project" course of the master's program "Tourism and Sustainable Regional Development - Management and Geography", Aytuğ Arslan presented details on Faith Tourism and visualised the topic utilising numerous examples of Faith Tourism in Turkey. Finally, he gave a lecture on his publication "Intention to visit a destination from the perspective of Broken Windows theory" in the "Tourism Management 1" seminar of the Bachelor programm "Geography", where he led an intensive discussion on security and tourism its implications for destination management.

Additionally, in a conversation with David Guevara from the International Office, Prof Arslan learned a lot about the teaching, courses and everyday life at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Naturally, there was an ongoing exchange with Prof Pechlaner and the chair team about their extensive interests in tourism research.

The Chair of Tourism / Center for Entrepreneurship would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Aytuğ Arslan for his visit! We appreciated the exchange and hope to collaborate again in the future.