News from mathematics

Data Lab

This summer, our first Data Science class is starting its fourth semester, which means a premiere for the Data Lab.

In a wide variety of groups, students can refine their specialist knowledge using real data and gain initial experience with external project partners such as AUDI or AIXELO. At the end, the work is presented in a presentation. To provide information about the various projects, an information event was held last week at the Georgianum, at which all supervisors presented their topics. The students then split into the following project groups:

  • Data-driven prediction of the time-to-sell of used cars/ leasing returns 
  • Deep learning for predicting properties of metal-organic frameworks 
  • Comparison of different methods for Recommender Systems on MovieLens Datasets 
  • Sudoku solver 
  • Discrete (Fast) Fourier Transform and their minors
  • Dimension reduction
  • Parameter and its uncertainty estimation
  • Data science methods for geo data
[Translate to Englisch:] Data Lab Vorstellung Marcel Oliver