Bachelor Romance Studies - Economics - Geography

[Translate to Englisch:] Romanistik Wirtschaft Geographie

The inter- and transdisciplinary academic programme specifically combines the three disciplines of Romance Studies, Geography and Economics and is aimed at all those who are interested in the complex interrelationships between people, spaces, economy and cultures and who wish to acquire basic knowledge in the three disciplines, while at the same time having a clear focus in one of them.

In the Romance Studies section, students choose French, Italian or Spanish; in addition, knowledge of Portuguese can be acquired. Students deal with the cultural and historical circumstances of the respective Romance language and culture as well as the corresponding regions and states and learn basic techniques of literary and linguistic work.

In the field of Economics, the course provides a well-founded insight into the sub-areas of Business Administration, Economics and Business Law and enables students to analyse current economic issues on this scientific theoretical basis.

In the subarea of Geography, the aim is to acquire familiarity with the main contents, scientific theoretical foundations and theory formation in human and economic geography. In addition, the study conveys knowledge of contemporary approaches to regional geographic issues and the control of spatial development processes.

At first, students acquire basic methodological skills and basic knowledge of the individual disciplines in all three areas - the chosen language and culture, geography and economics. On this basis, after the second semester, they decide on a specialisation area, which will have priority in the rest of their studies. At the same time, they will complete an appropriate number of modules in the other two areas so that they can prove that they have knowledge of a minor discipline - for example, when transferring to another university in the Master's programme. The inter- and transdisciplinary academic programme's character is taken into account with specific courses, for example in the module "Transversalia", which consists of two thematically related courses from different disciplines.

In addition, there are practical language courses conducted by native speakers, some of which deal with economic or regional studies topics. Furthermore, the programme includes a semester abroad in a country where the chosen Romance language is spoken: There are a wide range of partner universities worldwide for this purpose.

The internship abroad, which is also integrated into the course of study, brings students into contact with possible professional fields at an early stage. Besides, towards the end of their Bachelor's degree, students attend an Advanced Studies Colloquium on career prospects, in which guest lectures are given by experts on their respective fields of work, internship experiences are exchanged and organisations, institutions, companies, etc. are introduced.

The comprehensive understanding acquired during the course of the study, both of the chosen Romance-speaking countries and regions and of the work and effects of material and symbolic practices, allows students to subsequently work in various professional fields both in Germany and in the respective countries, for example in Publishing and Education, in Journalism, in cultural organisations and institutions and political organisations as well as in the field of International Cultural, Trade and Economic Relations.

Due to the interdisciplinary orientation of the programme, it is very well suited for later work at crucial points such as those between city or local government and service, consulting or research companies. Further possible fields of activity are in the area of Sales or Marketing, in Customer Service or Consulting, in Public Institutions, in the Tourism Sector or Tourism Management, in the Media Industry or in Urban and Regional Planning with regard to responsible tourism. Finally, the interdisciplinary academic programme provides training for jobs in the German-speaking world, but also in international and internationally operating organisations and companies.