Events of the IO

Teaching in the USA

Organizer: International Office - Servicestelle Internationale Praktika in Kooperation mit der Universität Augsburg

Info session about teaching in the USA.
Speaker: Katrin Alt-Rudin, referentin für Auslandspraktika, Universität Augsburg; Marianne Montrose-Schönmüller, Referentin Internationaler Arbeitsmarkt; Studierende und Alumni

Discover the exciting world of teaching in the USA! Learn first-hand about the daily lives of students working as German Foreign Language Assistants through the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) and Fulbright at Bard College in New York and as Amity Interns at the Rilke School in Anchorage, Alaska. They are connected live and share their unique experiences.

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