Jasmin Juch M.Sc.

[Translate to Englisch:] Jasmin Gotschke, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, ZFG
© Petra Hemmelmann, KU

Jasmin Gotschke studied at the University of Rostock. She completed her bachelor's degree in social sciences and wrote her bachelor's thesis on “Kinderbetreuung im Wandel der Zeit - ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich”. She completed her master's degree in demography with a thesis in empirical economic research, where she analysed the influence of subjective attitudes on the individual saving behaviour of private households.

Since November 2015, Gotschke has been a research assistant at the ZFG and is responsible for empirical analyses. The preparation of questionnaires, conducting surveys and evaluating the studies are part of her job profile at the ZFG.

Collaboration in the following projects:
Jasmin Juch
Jasmin Juch
Research assistant
Working Hours
Currently on parental leave