Dipl. Päd. Peggy Puhl-Regler

[Translate to Englisch:] Peggy Puhl-Regler, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, ZFG
© KS/Doreen Bierdel

Peggy Puhl-Regler studied pedagogy (special focus: social pedagogy and social work) at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. In 2010 she completed her studies with the diploma thesis “Sozialraumorientierung als Ansatz in der integrativen Stadtteilentwicklung”. Since then, she has been working as a research (project)assistant at the ZFG.

In the context of her work in the cooperation with the KMBA, Puhl-Regler focuses, among other things, on the everyday reality of military families - especially from the perspective of children and young people. On the basis of her study “Ängste von Kindern und Jugendlichen aus Soldatenfamilien im Kontext der Bundeswehr Auslandseinsätze”, a best-practice guide was developed. This guide is available for parents, caregiver and teachers as a brochure entitled “Zusammen schaffen wir das! Informationen, Hilfen und Flyer für Eltern, Kitas und Schulen rund um Auslandseinsatz und Wochenendbeziehung“.

Together with Alexandra Ressel, Puhl-Regler is also responsible for the longitudinal study ‘Wertorientierungen und Einstellungen von Militärseelsorgern und Militärseelsorgerinnen’.

She is represented in various committees, including AG3 "PTSD" of the Network of Aid of the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg).

Cooperation in the following projects


Peggy Puhl-Regler
Peggy Puhl-Regler
Research assistant