Data Science Taster lectures

Lectures and examinations in the Data Science degree program are generally offered in English, on request, examinations can also be provided in German.  English as language of instruction is chosen as communicating in English is a necessary skill nowadays in science, but also in industry, in research and development - the fields in which many data scientists work.

As data science lectures are rather technical, also students without advanced English skill have no problems following data science lectures in English and achieving full understanding of the material.

To give you an idea of the language level, we have recorded taster lectures for you. No in-depth language skills are required to understand the content of the lectures in Data Science. See for yourself.

Taster lecture I with Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander
[Translate to Englisch:] Vorschaubild Götz Pfander

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Taster lecture with Prof. Dr. Nadja Ray
[Translate to Englisch:] Vorschaubild Nadja Ray

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Taster lecture II with Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander
[Translate to Englisch:] Vorschaubild Götz Pfander

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