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Konfessionslosigkeit als Normalfall

New publication: Konfessionslosigkeit als Normalfall

The volume Konfessionslosigkeit als Normalfall: Religions- und Ethikunterricht in säkularen Kontexten (Denominationalism as the Normal Case: Religious…

[Translate to Englisch:] Religionsdidaktik

The Handbook of Religious Didactics

The Handbook of Religious Education, edited by Prof. Dr Ulrich Kropač and Prof. Dr Ulrich Riegel (University of Siegen), has been published. It covers…

Current news of the Chair

Begegnungstag der ThF mit der Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau

Prof Dr Kropač spoke at the meeting day with the Augustana University Neuendettelsau

On 15 May 2020 the annual meeting day of the Theological Faculty with the Augustana University Neuendettelsau took place in Eichstätt. In three…

DDr. Chrostowski referierte in Wuppertal

Dr Chrostowski lectured in Wuppertal

On 17 April, the Pedagogical-Theological Institute of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland organised a conference for trainee teachers of…

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KRBU - Spring Conference 2024

The Spring Conference of the KRBU (Conference of Religious Education Teachers at Bavarian Universities) took place on 18-19 March 2024 at Schloss…

Jahrestagung des Vereins für Konstruktivismus in Theologie und Religionsdidaktik e.V. in Fulda

Lecture: Prof Kropač speaks at the annual conference of the Association for Constructivism in Theology and Religious Didactics

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kropač gave a lecture on "Religion and religiosity in religious didactic handbooks" at the annual conference of the Verein für…

Übergabe der Doktorurkunde an Dr. Claudia Mayer

Doctoral Diploma for Dr Claudia Mayer

With the awarding of the doctoral diploma to Dr Claudia Mayer, another doctoral procedure under the supervision of Prof Dr Ulrich Kropač at the Chair…

Die Teilnehmer:innen des interuniversitären Oberseminars im Innenhof des U2-Komplexes in Bamberg

Inter-university advanced seminar 2024

On the 11th and 12th of January, the seminars on religious education of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, the…

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Debate with Prof Dr Volodymyr Dubovyk

On the initiative of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kropač and Dr. Michael Winklmann, an evening discussion took place on Wednesday, 20.12.2023 on the topic "What…

KRBU-Herbsttagung: Neues Sprecherteam

KRBU Autumn Conference 2023: Prof Dr Ulrich Kropač elected Chairman of the KRBU

The Conference of Religious Education Teachers at Bavarian Universities (KRBU) held its annual autumn conference on 22nd November, where the KRBU…

40-jähriges Jubiläum der Maximilian-Bickhoff-Universitätsstiftung

40th Anniversary of the Maximilian Bickhoff University Foundation

The Maximilian Bickhoff University Foundation celebrated its 40th anniversary on 15 November with a ceremony at the Summer Residence of the Catholic…

Konferenz: The Intersection of Religious and Citizenship Education in Europe

Lecture: Dr Chrostowski gave a presentation at TU Dortmund

Dr. Dr. Mariusz Chrostowski was invited by Prof. Dr. Alexander Unser ( Technical University of Dortmund) to participate in an interdisciplinary…

Picture credits: / KU