
Vice President Klaus Stüwe
Vice President Prof. Dr. Klaus Stüwe

Prof. Dr. Klaus Stüwe

Vice President for International Affairs & Profile Development at the KU

"Our vision is that our university builds bridges between science and society." This is not only stated in the mission statement of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, but also reflected in how we design our research and study programs. Through special Service Learning formats, we work to ensure that our students take responsibility for society, both in their own country and worldwide. The Uniservitate program is an ideal platform to collaborate with the international community of Catholic partner universities to develop further Service Learning concepts."

Prof. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Lindau
Prof. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Lindau

Prof. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Lindau

Former Professor of Geography Didactics and Education for Sustainable Development and Sustainability Officer at the KU

"Uniservitate as a global network offers potential for international exchange and directs the focus from science to society through education. Through the Uniservitate project, Service Learning formats can also be designed for teaching and transfer to society in the field of education for sustainable development. In this way, it is possible to increase the responsibility towards society among teachers and students and promote future-oriented competencies."