
Dialogkulturen. Wissenschaftliche Reflexionsräume für Kultur-und Sozialwissenschaften

Das KU Forschungskolleg „Dialogkulturen. Wissenschaftliche Reflexionsräume für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften“ ist ein international ausgerichtetes Kolleg zur Förderung der kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Es ermöglicht und stärkt, von Promotions-, Post-Doc- und Habilitationsprojekten bis zur Forschung von etablierten Fachkollegen und Fachkolleginnen, den wissenschaftlichen Austausch über die eng gesteckten Fachgrenzen hinaus.

Fellows am KU Forschungskolleg Dialogkulturen im Wintersemester 2023-24

Wir freuen uns sehr, im Wintersemester 2023-34 die folgenden Fellows am KU Forschungskolleg Dialogkulturen begrüßen zu dürfen:

Dr. Davide Bagnardi (Altphilologie, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” ), Henriette Herz Junior Fellow, “Intellectual Mystics at Helfta in dialogue with the divinity: Mechtilde of Hackeborn’s Liber Specialis Gratiae")

Dr. Aura Piccioni (Archäologie, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” ), Henriette Herz Junior Fellow, “Völkerdialoge, Kunstdialoge: Bronzestatuen als Identitätsträger in Sizilien””

Mehr zu unseren aktuellen und vergangenen Fellows hier.

Kommende Veranstaltungen

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Bronzeplastik auf Sizilien im interkulturellen Dialog

Gastvortrag von Dr. Aura Piccioni, Henriette Herz Junior Fellow im Rahmen des Forschungskollegs Dialogkulturen. 

Der Vortrag findet auf Deutsch und in Präsenz statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzliche eingeladen, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

The main topic of this project is the study of the bronze sculptures as identity carriers, paying special attention to their origin and creation, their context, their perception and their significance in a 'hybrid' and composite society as that of Sicily from the 8th c. BC until the Roman conquer. Continuities and upheavals can be well tracked over a longer period of time, since various cultures lived in close contact and exchange in Sicily, beginning with the indigenous peoples

The mixing of the various ethnic groups led to a sort of “creolization” in art. The focus on bronze statues is due to the fact that the Greek and Roman cultures were highly “visual” and statues were ubiquitous; large figurative bronzes are probably the most sophisticated art products of the various inhabitants of ancient Sicily and come in culturally homogeneous contexts as well as in ‘hybrid’ ones.

Communication via bronze sculptures plays an important role. Through these, the clients expressed their values and showed their prestige in society. Particularly, elites shaped their own concepts with regard to integration practices, dealing with conflict and the exercise of prestige, combined with “cultural codes”, and also expressed them in the choice, preference and positioning of works of art. Therefore, bronze sculptures, or rather their ‘executors’ and ‘consumers’, were subject to social norms and values. Depending on the context, there would have been different recipients. So, clients, artists and viewers entered into a dialogue through the bronze sculptures.

The aim of this study is a detailed introduction to a major project, in order to systematize the sources and provide some preliminary remarks.

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