Organisation of conferences and other academic events

24th Congress AIPI Geneva

Science, art and literature
Languages, narratives and cultures at crossroads

From 28 to 30 June 2021, the University of Geneva will virtually host the 24th AIPI Congress (Associazione Internazionale Professori di Italiano), which brings together every two years all those in the world who are interested in teaching Italian language, literature and culture.

Thanks to the presence of CERN, Geneva is one of the world capitals of science: a place of convergence and exchange, with a marked cosmopolitan vocation, which has long maintained privileged relations with the Italian language and culture. It is therefore the ideal place to host a reflection on a highly topical issue, rich in ramifications and implications, historically of great importance for the Italian language and culture.

The health emergency, in depriving us of the pleasure of physically hosting the Congress in Geneva, has been the occasion to rethink the event in a partly new way: widening its access potential, rethinking its articulation, integrating contents specifically designed for the distance format.

arrow right icon Programm

arrow right iconPanel 5 (with a contribution by Ms. Cicala)