News from mathematics

[Translate to Englisch:] Oliver

Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver new holder of the endowed Chair for Applied Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver has been appointed holder of the new Chair for Applied Mathematics funded by the City of Ingolstadt. Oliver is one of a team…

[Translate to Englisch:] Voigtlaender

Prof. Dr. Felix Voigtlaender first holder of the Chair for Reliable Machine Learning

Prof. Dr. Felix Voigtlaender is the KU’s first holder of the new Chair for Reliable Machine Learning. The KU was awarded this new chair in a…

(from left) Prof. Dr. Felix Voigtlaender, business consultant Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld, MIDS spokesman Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander (participating online from the US), Vice President Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve and Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver at the press conference to introduce the new institute.

New Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science launched at the KU

With its new Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science (MIDS) the KU wants to contribute to academically mining the potential of…