Guest Lecture

"The Library of Data - A Romance (Digital) Reading".
PD Dr. Nanette Rißler-Pipka (Göttingen State and University Library)

Friday, 16 April 2021, 2.30 p.m. - by Zoom
Access data is available on request from the secretariat (

The research routine in science, more precisely in the humanities, more precisely in literary studies and even more precisely in Romance studies has changed for all of us in the process of digital transformation. This is not new and not an upheaval. It is not a burial of books or of the printed medium. We still enjoy using libraries and their books, journals, and collections of cultural heritage. At most, we notice the pleasant additional services that ensure that we can also access these offerings as digital publications, as data, and that they are available regardless of location.

And yet the digital redoubling of information creates effects of confusion and getting lost in the labyrinth of a Biblioteca de Babel.  Although it has become quite natural for everyone to work with data instead of books, the methodological gap between the humanities and the digital humanities, which have established themselves as a distinct subject, is widening. The lecture will give an introductory and exemplary overview of Romance literary studies research with digital methods and digital corpora.