Invitation to „Eichstätter Gesprächen“

We are happy to invite you to this years „Eichstätter Gesprächen“  of the KU and the BKU that will deal with the topic „Ressource Kultur“.

The continious globalization of the econonmy not only promotes possibilities to conquer worldwide market structures, manufacturing sidesor new networks, but also leads to an unprecedented chance for cultural variety that companies have to engage in. In reagrd to this development, the „Eichstätter Gespräche“ deal with the discussion how international variing cultures affect corporate culture and which chances and risks result from that? How can values and convictions of variing cultures be communicated within the daily business routine? Is it possible to preserve and develop a companies own corporate culture in the context of the ongoing globalization? Which requirements can be derived as managerial implications? Which conrtibutions do christian values bit from that?

These and more questions will be dicussed with  prominent guest speakers of the various fields church, business and science. in a mutual discussion. The cooperative orientation of the „Eichstätter Gespräche“ through the BKU and the KU has the aim to connect academic reflexion with practical corporate experiences. The cooperation with the Cusanuswerk, the catholic institution talent program will also engage in the discussion.


Further information hier.


Registration form (until the 20th of mai 2015)


No participation fees for members of the KU à Registration form for KU Members