Cultural Prize of the Bavarian State Foundation awarded to Prof. Dr. Daniel Mark Eberhard

Prof. Dr. Daniel Mark Eberhard, Professor of Music Education and Music Didactics at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), was awarded the Cultural Prize of the Bavarian State Foundation, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. Each year, the foundation honors individuals and institutions for outstanding achievements in the field of culture, social affairs and the environment. The prizes were presented by the Head of the State Chancellery and State Minister for Federal Affairs and Media, Dr. Florian Herrmann, in the Kuppelsaal of the Bavarian State Chancellery. He emphasized: "This year's award winners have achieved great things in their fields of activity. We want to honor this great commitment. People like them enrich all our lives and make our Bavarian homeland distinctive and unique." In her laudatory speech, Ministerialdirigentin Angelika Kaus particularly acknowledged that Professor Eberhard "combines artistic, educational and scientific activities in a profitable way and thus makes a profound impact on the Bavarian musical landscape."

She particularly highlighted his research on music in penal institutions. Music also overcomes prison walls, she said, and Eberhard was successful in showing which approaches have proven successful and why musical projects worked so well. As the head of the Master's degree program in "Inclusive Music Education", which is unique in Europe, Professor Eberhard said he was particularly concerned with giving everyone access to music and making music. "In an honorary capacity, you also make a significant contribution to shaping Bavarian musical life through your work for the Bavarian Music Council and other voluntary commitment. Your artistic successes also make you a worthy recipient of the Bavarian State Foundation's Cultural Prize", said the laudation speaker.

Award winners from all categories.
Award winners from all categories.

The ceremony held for the 50th anniversary of the Bavarian State Foundation also marked the commemoration of the Chairwoman of the Board, former State Parliament President Barbara Stamm, who passed away unexpectedly last week. The Bavarian State Foundation, which was founded with the merger of the Bayerische Staatsbank and the Vereinsbank, has existed since 1972. The proceeds from the sale did not simply flow into the state budget, but were used to create an independent, permanent and flexible funding instrument. Since its inception, more than 13,000 projects in the fields of culture and social affairs have been supported with more than 700 million euros: Whether in the promotion of construction measures for the restoration of important architectural and artistic monuments, important projects in assistance for the elderly and disabled, or assistance for children and young people. Furthermore, the State Foundation also awards prizes for outstanding achievements on an annual basis that are endowed with 30,000 euros for each category, divided among three prizewinners each.