Service for journalists

We support journalists in their research on current topics and provide expertise for their research and reporting. Do you require pictures of our campus or photos of University members? We are happy to provide you with free images for your reporting in our image database . In our brochure database, you can find out more about the KU and our University magazine "forum forschung" provides you with insights into current research projects at the KU. In addition, we regularly publish press releases on research, teaching and events at the KU.

Your contact persons

Christian Klenk
Dr. Christian Klenk
Director of the Department of Communication and Marketing
Building Sommerresidenz  |  Room: SR-003
Katja Ossiander
Katja Ossiander
Secretary of Press Office
Building Sommerresidenz  |  Room: SR-003

Press releases

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[Translate to Englisch:] Internationale Studierende an der KU

KU welcomes international students

The KU is international. 70 program students started their studies at the KU in this summer semester – these are the students who come to our…

[Translate to Englisch:] DALIA-Projekt

Experts from Danube riparian states meet at Floodplain Institute

An international project titled DALIA (Danube river basin lighthouse – restoration of fresh and transitional water ecosystems) supports the EU's goal…

[Translate to Englisch:] GOAL-Tagung

Geoscientists from Latin America visit Eichstätt

At the invitation of the Jura Museum, scientists from twelve Latin American countries are meeting this week at a conference organized by the…