Digitalization in higher education: KU honored with “Digital Readiness” award

During the pandemic, more than 50,000 students have submitted a rating on how well they were able to complete their studies digitally on the portal In this respect, too, the KU scored a top ranking in the students’ assessment: Among the participating higher education institutions and universities, it is among the top ten on place nine and receives a “Digital Readiness” award from Studycheck. Only recently, Studycheck named the KU Germany’s most popular university based on student ratings.

Can you also study online in your degree program? How well can you reach your professors and lecturers online? Are you also able to access learning materials online? When it comes to questions like these, the portal’s ‘Digital Readiness’ ranking provides insight into student satisfaction with the digitalization of their higher education institutes and universities. Nationwide, there are currently only two universities in the top ten of this ranking: the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Technical University of Munich.

In order to maintain teaching operations under corona conditions, seminars and lectures had to be converted to virtual formats. Professors, other academic staff and lecturers redesigned their courses within a short period of time. At the KU, the efforts paid off: In the 2020 summer semester, over 90 percent of the more than 1,500 planned courses could take place. In the winter semester, only 47 of just under 2,000 courses had to be canceled due to corona – this mainly affected field trips. 

The ongoing ‘Digital Readiness’ live ranking includes all testimonials published on that contain a rating for the criterion “digital studying”. This criterion allows students to rate how satisfied they are with the digital offerings of their higher education institution. For example, whether regular events and exams also take place online and whether study content is also available in digital form.

The ranking of the individual institutions is ultimately determined by the score, which is calculated based on the star rating and the number of ratings submitted for the criterion “digital studying” (max. 5 points each).

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