Joint effort for a reliable and secure foundation for KU’s future

[Translate to Englisch:] Konstituierende Sitzung des Stiftungsrats
© Christian Klenk

The newly composed KU Foundation Council took up its duties on Tuesday. The ten-member committee held its constituent meeting at the Georgianum in Ingolstadt under the chairmanship of former Bavarian Minister President Horst Seehofer. Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume and the Chairman of the Freising Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx from Munich, also attended the meeting. Both praised the positive development of the University in recent years and assured that the Free State and the Church would continue to work together to ensure a "reliable and secure foundation" for the KU’s future.

Horst Seehofer had also invited the chairs of the University Council and Senate, the deans, the heads of departments and institutions as well as representatives of students, non-professorial teaching staff and academic support staff to the second part of the constituent meeting. The Council’s Chairman emphasized that the development of the KU from a difficult situation to a "first-class University" was an impressive team effort by employees from academia and administration alike. Today, the KU shines with excellence in teaching and research and is of enormous importance for the Ingolstadt region and its structural development. "With its special profile, it also consistently pursues a value orientation and personality development – this is particularly important in today's world." Together with the Foundation Council, Seehofer wants to ensure that the KU has an even greater impact on society and politics. To this end, he expressed his intention to set up a new advisory board with top political representatives to advise the Foundation Council.

Markus Blume
Science Minister Markus Blume

"The KU is entering the next few years in a stronger position", said Science Minister Markus Blume. With the newly appointed Foundation Council under the chairmanship of Horst Seehofer, the University is ideally positioned. "Horst Seehofer's political experience, in-depth expertise and close ties to the region make him a stroke of luck for the University. Together, we can give the KU new perspectives and place it on a reliable and secure foundation for the future." The Free State was "a reliable partner of the University – today and in the future", emphasized the Minister. According to Blume, the increase in the Free State's financial commitment above and beyond the obligations of the concordat would also be accompanied by greater involvement in the supporting Foundation. In negotiations between the church, ministry and University at the beginning of the year, it was agreed that the Free State would provide an additional 5.5 million euros a year in funding for the KU, which had previously been provided by the Bavarian dioceses as special funds for structural support. At the same time, the Ministry of Science has two representatives on the Foundation Council.

"The Free State of Bavaria and the Foundation supporting the University will work together with the University Management and the Catholic Church to develop perspectives for the future of the University beyond 2028", said Blume, referring to talks on the long-term financing of the KU. "The KU has developed exceptionally well in recent years. It has become a member to the German Research Foundation (DFG) and now almost has a kind of subscription to the title of 'Germany's most popular university' – this must now be preserved and cleverly developed further", says Blume.

Reinhard Kardinal Marx
Reinhard Cardinal Marx

Cardinal Reinhard Marx also emphasized that the Bavarian dioceses have a great interest in ensuring that the KU continues to develop successfully as a Catholic University. "I see a bright future for the KU", said Marx. He is convinced that Seehofer will lead the University into a successful future "with skill and passion". Marx reminded the audience that the institution university was invented by the church in the Middle Ages. There are countless Catholic universities around the world, and "education within a horizon of values" is an important mission of a church-sponsored university. "The social transformations we are currently experiencing must also obey ethical principles." A Catholic university can contribute to many global challenges from an ethical horizon of Christianity, said Marx, referring to the topics of climate change, artificial intelligence and the transformation of the economy.


Horst Seehofer

The KU Foundation Council has a total of ten members. In addition to Horst Seehofer, five other members were appointed to the committee for the first time: New members are Prof. Dr. Egon Endres, Professor of Social Sciences and Social Management at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Munich, Ministerialrätin Monika Hoebbel and Ministerialdirigent Dr. Michael Mihatsch from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, Audi Board Member for Human Resources Xavier Ros and Heinz Weitner, Managing Director of Werner Weitner GmbH from Eichstätt. Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke OSB of Eichstätt is a member of the Foundation Council in accordance with the Foundation's constitution. In addition, three further members were appointed who had previously already been members of the Foundation Council: Dr. Thomas von Mitschke-Collande, former Director at the management consultancy McKinsey, Markus Reif, Finance Director of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising and Managing Director of the Bavarian Interdiocesan Fund, and Dr. Paul Siebertz, long-standing member of the Management Board of Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG.



Marx, Seehofer, Blume
Cardinal Marx, Horst Seehofer, State Minister Blume

Personnel decisions were also on the agenda of the constituent meeting of the Foundation Council. The committee elected Dr. Paul Siebertz as its deputy chairperson. The Budget Committee is made up of Monika Hoebbel, Dr. Thomas von Mitschke-Collande, Markus Reif, Dr. Paul Siebertz and Heinz Weitner. Jana Marlow is acting chairperson of the Foundation, with Anne Maria Sudmann as her deputy. Horst Seehofer will in future represent the Foundation Council as an advisory member to the University Council.

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Foundation is the legal body supporting the only Catholic University in Germany. In particular, the ecclesiastical foundation is responsible for the University's asset and business management, drawing up the budget in consultation with the University and, as a supervisory body, dealing with operational issues such as controlling, auditing and compliance. The Foundation Council as the governing body is elected by the Freising Bishops' Conference for a four-year term of office.