KU founding member of new Bavarian Center for Higher Education and Sustainability

[Translate to Englisch:] (v.l.) Prof. Dr. Harald Kosch (Vizepräsident Universität Passau, Prof. Dr. Eric Dr. Eric Veulliet (Präsident HSWT), Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume, Prof. Dr. Clemens Bulitta (Präsident OTHAW), Prof. Dr. Niels Oberbeck (Präsident TH Nürnberg), KU-Präsidentin Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien und TUM-Präsident Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hoffmann bei der Unterzeichnung des Kooperationsvertrages für das BayZeN.
© Axel König/StMWK

The KU is one of six founding members of the new Bavarian Center for Higher Education and Sustainability (BayZeN), for which the participants officially signed the cooperation agreement on Thursday at the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. BayZeN sees itself as a "think tank" with the goal of improving the framework conditions for sustainable development and climate protection – with and for Bavarian universities. It is geared toward long-term, institutionalized collaboration among universities. The center is based on the "Bavarian Network for Sustainability in Higher Education" that was initiated especially by the KU in 2012.

"Bavaria is breaking new ground for sustainability. The BayZeN is unique in Germany. This is where top scientific know-how meets with the necessary enthusiasm. Expertise, commitment, effectiveness: Being a think tank for sustainability and climate protection, BayZeN provides answers to the big questions of our time from very different perspectives – and does so with and for our Bavarian universities", emphasizes Science Minister Markus Blume.

KU President Gien and OTHAW President Bulitta upon signing of the cooperation agreement.
© Axel König/StMWK KU President Gien and OTHAW President Bulitta upon signing of the cooperation agreement.

BayZeN offers members of all Bavarian universities a platform for institution-wide networking, exchange and cooperation for the implementation of sustainability and climate protection goals in the fields of research, teaching, operations, transfer, student initiatives and governance. KU President Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien emphasizes: "The founding of BayZeN is the result of an ongoing process that was significantly initiated and supported by the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. The Bavarian Network for Sustainability in Higher Education, the forerunner of BayZeN, was rightly recognized by UNESCO as a pioneer for sustainability. The new center can also initiate nationwide impulses beyond Bavaria." BayZeN sees itself as an institutionalization of the Bavarian Network for Sustainability in Higher Education, which was founded in 2012 as a bottom-up initiative. The presidents of all state and state-recognized universities in Bavaria have signed a voluntary commitment to cooperation and the overall institutionalization of sustainability and climate protection. The network closely cooperates with the Student Representative Council in Bavaria (LAK).

The mission of BayZeN is to promote scientific discourse on the major societal challenges of sustainable development and on the responsibility of universities in Bavaria. BayZeN also supports universities in the implementation and structural anchoring of sustainability and climate protection goals through individual consulting. It offers interested parties various networking and exchange formats as well as working groups in all fields of action. For this purpose, the following six sponsoring universities each provide start-up funding for BayZeN for a period of three years: Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT), Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), OTH Amberg-Weiden (OTHAW), Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm (Ohm), Technical University of Munich (TUM) and University of Passau. The BayZeN office is located at the HSWT.

Over 200 participants in total have completed an advanced training module on ESD-oriented teaching at several locations in Bavaria – such as here at the Bayreuth Center for Teaching and Learning.
Over 200 participants in total have completed an advanced training module on ESD-oriented teaching at several locations in Bavaria – such as here at the Bayreuth Center for Teaching and Learning.

Within BayZeN, the KU has set itself the goal of coordinating the topics of teaching and educational research in particular. For example, the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in university teaching has been scientifically investigated under the leadership of the KU. Funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, training formats were developed at the KU, for example, and their effectiveness was investigated. The background to this initiative is the United Nations Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), according to which ESD is to be firmly anchored in the curricula and teacher training, among other things. However, only a few teachers are and feel prepared for this task so far. This is where our project came in, with which teachers of all subjects can find support to implement ESD in their university teaching.

Under the umbrella of the previous network, the higher education institutions and universities in Bavaria have also already agreed on a uniform greenhouse gas accounting system. In this way, the KU in Bavaria also takes on a pioneering role in Germany and Europe, which means that it can serve as a role model for other universities and institutions. The comparability of the balance sheets creates transparency in reporting and thus greater credibility, so that higher education institutions and universities can live up to their model function.


In 2015, the KU became the first Bavarian University to receive the so-called EMAS certificate for the development and establishment of an environmental management system in accordance with the EU's "Eco-Management and Audit Scheme". Only recently, the KU again successfully underwent a corresponding inspection process in order to continue to be allowed to carry the seal. EMAS certification is in turn a prerequisite for obtaining the "EMASplus" seal in a further step. The KU is the only University in Germany to voluntarily undergo this additional audit procedure, which adds social and economic aspects to environmental management. The KU is still the only University in the country to bear this seal. As early as in 2010, the first overall sustainability concept was adopted at the KU, which already pursued the objective of addressing sustainability as an issue for the institution as a whole.


Further information is available at https://www.ku.de/en/campus-life/sustainability.