KU in top group of CHE university ranking

KU students have repeatedly awarded good grates for study conditions at the KU in the current ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). With regard to the range of subjects taught at the KU, the CHE has collected new data for the assessments for Business Administration and Social Work in the most current ranking. Excerpts from the ranking are published in the most current ZEIT study guide.

Business administration students at the KU Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI) who participated in the survey said that they found the range of courses, support and offers for career orientation to be very good. The WFI also scored top rankings in terms of scientific connection of their course of study. Students particularly appreciated the broad spectrum of the course offer and the possibility to choose specializations individually. They also positively emphasized the social climate between students and lecturers, the willingness to respond to suggestions for improvement and the didactic skills of their lecturers. Furthermore, they have rated the help with networking among students as above average – the same applies for the preparation of a study stay abroad as well as the placement opportunities of international internships. The WFI also belongs to the top group when it comes to the number of courses with a practical orientation, help in the transitional phase into their career paths or student initiatives to promote entry into the profession.

Students at the Faculty of Social Work were also invited to participate in the CHE survey. They voted their discipline into the top group in terms of the courses offered, library services and IT infrastructure. They rated the international orientation of their degree programs, the broad range of the courses offered and the possibility to define individual focus areas as very good. The coordination of course content and the quality of the study organization at the KU are also above average for students – as is the social climate. They also feel well supported in preparing for a stay abroad, and they find the courses offered by international partner universities more attractive compared to statements given by students from other German universities. About the library, students particularly appreciated the topicality of its stocks, the availability of literature and the advice provided to library users. With regard to IT infrastructure, they have praised the availability of computer workstations and opening hours as well as the offered specialist software. In terms of professional practice, students who participated in the survey voted the Bachelor's degree programs in "Social Work" and "Childhood Education" to the top group. The practical phases, the practical relevance of the courses and the exchange with experts from the field received full marks.

More detailed information on the study offer in business administration at the KU is available online at www.ku.de/wfi. In view of the current situation, the Bachelor’s degree program in Business Administration is offered without admission restrictions for the upcoming winter semester only. Interested prospective students can enroll by October 23, 2020.

Everyone who is interested in the offer of the Faculty of Social Work can get information at www.ku.de/swf


Background information on CHE ranking

According to the CHE, the ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed university comparison in the German-speaking world, with around 120,000 students surveyed and more than 300 universities and higher education institutions included in the survey. Every three years, the assessments for one third of the subjects are updated. The CHE University Ranking asks currently enrolled students about their study conditions both in general and with regard to specific criteria such as supervision, support during studies or the range of courses offered, the organization of studies or examinations. They also assess the offers for career orientation, the scientific or practical relevance, the rooms, the library equipment or the IT infrastructure. The CHE also collects information on teaching and research. The ZEIT study guide publishes excerpts from the ranking and answers questions in connection with starting studies, the right place to study and financing issues.

More information is available at www.che-ranking.de.