KU on place four of most popular German universities

For the second time in a row, the KU has been voted among the top ten most popular universities by students and alumni. In this year’s ranking that is set up by the online portal Studycheck.de, the KU took fourth place among all German universities.

With this year’s placement, the KU improved by four places compared to last year. Among all Bavarian universities, the KU ranks first again this year and has earned the title “Top university in Germany”. “We are very happy that the KU achieved such a great ranking again this year – especially because this ranking is directly based on student feedback. This result is both an accolade and additional motivation for all parties involved”, says KU President Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien.

The ranking, which is compiled by the online portal Studycheck.de, is based on feedback provided by more than 40,000 users for over 600 higher education institutions and universities in 2019. Students and alumni who are registered on the platform have the possibility to award up to five stars to their educational institution and state whether they would recommend studying at their university. On average, the KU was awarded 4.06 stars. An overwhelming majority of 93 percent of students questioned for the ranking recommended the KU as a good place to study.

The portal Studycheck.de is not the only one to praise excellent study conditions at the KU: The ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) that is published annually in the ZEIT study guide regularly awards top placements to the KU – most recently in December 2019 for the Master’s degree program in Psychology. The Bavarian graduate survey and the German study quality monitor have continuously confirmed for years that students and alumni from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt are very satisfied with their studies.

If you want to get a taste of the excellent study conditions at the KU, you are warmly invited to attend the KU Open Day on Saturday, April 25. Interested guests can take part in guided tours to get to know the campus, attend numerous presentations and mock lectures and speak to students and lecturers in person.

Further information on the Studycheck ranking is available at www.studycheck.de/hochschulranking/beliebteste-universitaeten