Research Summer Camp

Transformation Summer Camp

For the KU, the Research Summer Camp is a milestone in the promotion of university graduates and young researchers in their early qualification phase. Since 2023, the University has been organizing the one-week event with a focus on interdisciplinary and international collaboration. The overall theme of the camp is always set at the intersection of current and future-oriented issues.

While many current research efforts focus on a specific subject area, research work that explicitly builds a bridge between current issues is much rarer. With the Research Summer Camp, we specifically want to promote such new research ideas that go beyond the boundaries of established topics”, explains Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve, KU Vice President for Research.

At the KU, we attach particular importance to the international orientation of the Research Summer Camp: 115 interested candidates from all over the world applied to take part in 2023. The 20 scholarship holders who were selected to take part ultimately came from Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Colombia, Austria, Russia, Sweden and Turkey.

Application procedure: Transformation Summer Camp 2024

The Transformation Summer Camp 2024 will take place from September 16 to 20 at the Ingolstadt campus of the KU. The overall theme of this year's summer camp is “Diversity & Transformation”. Detailed information on the theme of the camp and the application process can be found on the following website.

Research Summer Camp 2023

The Research Summer Camp took place at the KU for the first time in 2023. From 24 to 29 September, 20 graduates and doctoral students spent a week working on new research ideas at the interface of sustainability and digitalization. The participants came from all over Germany, from several European countries and from countries on other continents.