Writing Advice is:

Writing Advice takes place in individual conversations, workshops or writing classes.


We support students in projects like Hausaufgaben, Abschlussarbeiten and Dissertationen.


Writing Advice is helpful if …

  • you want to talk with someone about the idea of a text,
  • there are questions concerning the structure of a text,
  • you need to talk about the feedback of your prof,
  • you want to prepare a consulation hour with your prof concerning your Hausarbeit,
  • you want to talk about problems there are with, e.g., the structure of your text and other matters,
  • you want to improve your individual writing and avoid mistakes you often make.


To make an appointment write an E-Mail to learning-lab(at)ku.de.


Since winter term 2019/20 we also offer a training for peer tutoring in writing.