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Weather in Eichstätt



► Latest weather data from our KU-Weather station

► Further measured values from our KU-Weather station



A data request with information on the desired parameters, period, temporal resolution and purpose of use can be sent to wetterschau@ku.de.



Monthly review of weather data for June 2024 as PDF file.

The KU weather station

The weather station

KU Wetterstation
© Landschaftsökologie

Since November 2016, the new KU weather station is recording meteorological data at one-minute intervals. This weather station supplements the research activities around the campus and in Eichstätt.

The measured parameters include temperature and humidity of air and ground, precipitation, wind direction and wind speed, air pressure and solar radiation. The parameters are measured following the standards of the German Meteorological Office (DWD).

In the context of seminars, this weather station is used to demonstrate meteorological measuring principles and provides underlying data for Bachelor's and Master's theses. The other station at the Seminargärtnerei can further be used e.g. as portable station for field seminars.

Further measured values of the KU weather station

--> Click here for the following current measured values:


                          Air temperature [°C] / soil temperature [°C] (at a depth of 10 cm and 30 cm)
                          Air humidity [Vol%] / Soil humidity [Vol%] (at a depth of 10 cm and 30 cm)
                          Air pressure [hPa]
                          Precipitation [mm]
                          Wind speed [m/s ] / wind direction (degrees)
                          Short wave irradiation / reflected radiation [W/m²].
                          Long wave counter radiation / radiation [W/m²].

Archive of weather data

Here you can download the daily weather data of a month as pdf-file. Up to and including November 2016, the data are from the "old" weather station, since December 2016 from the weather station at the cafeteria car park.


--> To the Archiv (in German)

AK Wetterschau

The AK Wetterschau introduces itself

AK Wetterschau in 2023.
AK Wetterschau in 2023.

The AK Wetterschau currently consists of 13 Geography students of the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. Tasks of the study group include regular monitoring of the weather station's sensors as well as evaluation and analysis of collected data.
People who are interested in contributing to our work or who would like to particiate are welcome anytime.

Since July 2017 the AK is an official working group of the student convention and is open to students of all disciplines. Interested parties can register at any time: wetterschau@ku.de


Climate measurements on campus: A brief portrait of the AK Wetterschau

Wettergeschehen mit Sonnenschein und Regenbogen

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Archive of the weather posters

Here you can download the individual monthly reviews as pdf files. Up to and including November 2016, the data originate from the "old" weather station, since December 2016 from the weather station at the cafeteria car park.


--> To our archive with all posters of AK Wetterschau