Ethichal Investment

A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Turkey

The most recent economic and financial crisis led to people losing a great deal of trust in the banking and financial system. In an attempt to regain customers’ trust, ‘ethical’ investment is now being offered more and more frequently in financial markets. In this type of investment, in addition to the traditional quantitative investment criteria (return, risk, and liquidity), qualitative criteria are also considered. As ethical investment is a relatively recent innovation, so far very little research with a geographical perspective has examined ethical financial relationships. This research project aims to fill this gap through a comparative analysis of ethical investment in Turkey and Germany.

Particular attention will be paid to the context-specific factors at the national level (such as culture, religion, the institutional framework, and the current state of economic development) that facilitate or hinder development and dynamism in ethical investment.

Project conducted by: Dipl.-Wirtsch. Geogr. Sabuha Ilgaz



Ilgaz, Sabuha and Hans-Martin Zademach (2015): Performative Praktiken am Kapitalmarkt: Das Beispiel nachhaltige Geldanlagen in Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 59 (4)

Zademach, Hans-Martin (2015): Gutes Tun und Geld verdienen? Ethische Investments und nachhaltige Geldanlagen, Geographische Rundschau 67 (2), pp. 46-52.