[Translate to Englisch:] Forschung Wigeo

Research of the Economic Geography Group

Research questions related to these topics are empirically investigated in different industries and regional contexts – hitherto primarily in Europe, increasingly also in the Global South. In methodological terms, both quantitative (surveys, econometrics, network analysis) and qualitative research methods (e.g. expert interviews, focus group discussions, open space technology) are applied. Conceptually, we pursue an approach that relates local and global interdependencies and considers the interactions between economic, socio-cultural and ecological processes.

See also the research database KU.fordoc

Current research projects:

Youth cultural self-organization in the border triangle of Bavaria-Saxony-Thuringia. Subproject: Geographical perspectives on youth cultures in rural areas.

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Project management:: Dr. Andreas Kallert
Joint project: "DIYhoch3: Youth cultural self-organization in the border triangle Bavaria-Saxony-Thuringia" together with Prof. Dr. Rita Braches-Chyrek (Chair of Social Pedagogy at the University of Bamberg).
Duration: 2023 - 2026
Funding: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)

The research project examines spaces and possibilities of youth cultures in rural areas and thus enables a better understanding of favorable opportunity structures and enabling conditions for self-organized cultural life. The regional focus is on the border triangle of Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia. 

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Organisational and Technological Innovations in the Market for Battery Storage Systems


Project management: Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Zademach
Duration: April 2020 - March 2023
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) – Gepris

Next to a further deployment of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency and improved capacities of energy storage play a key yet often under-recognised role in the German Energiewende, i.e. the transition by Germany to an environmentally sound low carbon energy supply. In fact, the market for residential battery storage systems displays dynamic growth at present, characterized by numerous entries of new producers and massive rises in sales.
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The Design of Debt Relief Support for Financially Weak, Small Municipalities in Germany: A Compar-ative Analysis with Special Consideration of Federal Structures.

Ausgestaltung von Schuldenhilfen für finanzschwache, kleine Kommunen in Deutschland
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Project management: Dr. Simon Dudek, Dr. Andreas Kallert
Duration: 3 years, probably from October 2022
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

The motivation of our research project is to add a spatial and qualitative perspective to the existing research on municipal debt support granted by the states for their own municipalities. Building on the conceptual approaches of austere federalism and austerity management, the project aims to analyse both the local effects of conditional debt support on small municipalities in a federal comparison and the influence on spatial disparities. To this end, we study municipalities in the German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Hesse and Bavaria.

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Finance in Displacement – Exploring and Strengthening Financial Lives of Refugees

Finance in Displacement

Project management: Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Zademach; Prof. Kim Wilson
Duration: February 2019 - December 2021
Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin

On the basis of original empirical findings from two selected partner countries of German development cooperation, namely Jordan and Kenya, the research project provides in-depth insights into access to financial services and the everyday practices of internally displaced persons and refugees in financial matters.
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Prosperity alternatives and regional development

Prosperity alternatives and regional development

Project collaborator: Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Zademach
Duration: May 2021 – May 2024
Funding: Academy for territorial development in the Leibniz Association, Hannover

Drawing on post-growth approaches, the research project explores qualitatively new perspectives for a transformative economic and social policy. In doing so, the project reflects on existing and designs new guiding principles and instruments for spatial development.

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