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Biotic and abiotic effects on pollen production and allergenicity of birch and related health impacts

Mitarbeiter PollenPALS
© Landschaftsökologie Team pollenPALS (v.l.n.r.: Miriam Sieverts, Verena Wörl, Surendra Ranpal, Prof. Dr. Susanne Jochner-Oette)

Although higher temperatures were often found to increase pollen production and allergenicity, several studies reported decreased quantities of pollen and allergen content under warmer conditions. Up to now, little is known about additional biotic and abiotic factors that might alter these pollen characteristics. A remarkable difference is believed to exist in the impact of pollen on human beings depending on the overall production and allergenic potential of pollen.

In this study, we focus on the most important allergenic tree species in Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe: birch (Betula spp.). The major novelty is the analysis of biotic and abiotic impacts on pollen of cloned birch individuals free from genetic differences in their natural environment across International Phenological Gardens in Europe. In addition to the investigation of abiotic factors (e.g. air temperature, relative humidity, air pollutants) influencing pollen production and allergen content, we also focus on biotic factors such as virus infections (Cherry leaf roll virus) or the pollen-associated microbiome and the in vivo relevance of the pollen’s allergenicity using skin prick tests.

An enhanced knowledge gained by our study allows the prediction of future alterations under climate change conditions in more detail. An interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists of landscape ecology, phytomedicine and environmental medicine shall answer the question of how biotic and abiotic factors impact pollen production and allergenicity and consequently the allergic reactions in patients.

The three universities KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, HU Berlin and UNIKA-T of the TUM (Munich) in Augsburg are all part of the DFG project “Biotic and abiotic effects on pollen production and allergenicity of birch and related health impacts”.


Project duration


PollenPALS: How to collect birch catkins

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Susanne Jochner-Oette
Prof. Dr. Susanne Jochner-Oette
Head of the Professorship of Physical Geography/Landscape Ecology and Sustainable Ecosystem Development
Building Osten 18  |  Room: 203

Contact person

Project partners

Prof. Dr. Carmen Büttner
Department of Phytomedicine Humboldt University Berlin
Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann
Institute for Environmental Medicine UNIKA-T, Technical University Munich (TUM)