Get to know Data Science at KU

On May 05, the Long Night of Science took place in Ingolstadt and on May 06, KU welcomed all interested people to the Open Day. Also MIDS was involved with some actions.

At the beginning of May, there was a lot going on for people interested in science and those who wanted to find out more about studying. KU offered a diverse program in Eichstätt and Ingolstadt and also MIDS informed about its research topics and the study program Data Science.

Prof. Nadja Ray, Prof. Thomas Setzer and Dr. Raphael Schulz had, in addition to mathematical puzzles and general information about the new bachelor's program, interesting presentations, for example on "How do Amazon and Netflix know what we want?" and "The page rank algorithm: What's behind the Google search engine?". The visitors got an insight into what is behind the big term "machine learning" and were also able to ask their questions about it.

For students interested in studying mathematics at KU, not only the direct exchange with the professors and the numerous information material was helpful. The Data Science student council was also available for personal feedback.

Nadja am Tag der Wissenschaft