Obligation to wear a face mask

With immediate effect the face mask must also be worn at the desks in the reading rooms.

A face mask must be worn in all University buildings! As soon as one of the two University locations exceeds the threshold incidence value (“corona traffic light” showing yellow or red), the obligation to wear a face mask covering mouth and nose shall apply with immediate effect for the entire KU campus in Eichstätt and Ingolstadt. This applies both to buildings and outdoor areas. In deviation from previous regulations, the face mask must in particular also be worn at the seat in seminar and meeting rooms as well as in lecture halls and reading rooms. This in particular applies to courses and examinations that are held on campus. The seats in the canteen or cafeteria shall be exempt from the general obligation to wear a face mask.

Please find all current information on changes in the University Library during the corona crisis on the page "Library & Corona".

Please also note the information on KU measures during the corona crisis and the KU Hygiene Concept.