Guiding Principles

The KU equips its young researchers to make an active and substantial contribution, helping to shape further developments in the areas of science, society, politics, and the economy based on research excellence. The guiding principles of excellence, internationalisation and personal development underpin the University’s approach to supporting its young researchers.


[Translate to Englisch:] Ex.

Excellent academic research is characterized by scientific discourse that exceeds the current state of research and goes beyond the use of conventional research methods. The individual contributions to scientific discourse are distinguished by outstanding scientific quality, verifiability and accuracy, and are thus competitive at the highest international level. Such contributions can be made by working on socially relevant issues, developing new and creative methodologies, advancing existing theories or developing new approaches.

The KU has been repeatedly awarded the title “excellent” in university league tables, confirming the KU’s status as an exemplary place of learning. The KU  places great importance on preparing its young researchers to provide excellent teaching. The University continues to develop a range of academic teaching formats and particularly involves young researchers in the development of innovative teaching concepts, formats and seminars. We focus on acquiring subject-related didactic skills and on combining research-oriented teaching with teaching-oriented research.

International Profile

[Translate to Englisch:] Int.

As member of the global network of Catholic Universities, including the Catholic Consortium for Higher International Education Collaboration (CCIHEC), the KU greatly values international collaboration, maintains a network of 278 partner universities in over 59 countries. The KU actively supports its young researchers in building international networks, for example, by encouraging them to become members of international professional associations and attend scientific conferences. The KU also provides financial support to organize academic conferences or enable participation in exchange programmes for researchers and lecturers. Furthermore, the Academic Careers Team supports young researchers in the development and enhancement of their international profiles. This includes providing information on publishing foreign language articles and books or participation in international research programmes.


Individual Development

[Translate to Englisch:] Pers.

In a world of ever-increasing complexity, it is imperative for young researchers to develop a strong sense of independence to enable them to tackle contemporary challenges and develop new approaches to shape the future. The KU has developed a special programme to promote young talents and support them in their personal development. Young researchers are given the opportunity to develop and extend diverse interdisciplinary skills through mentoring and coaching programmes and leadership training events.