Holding on in everyday life during the Corona pandemic - tips for families, couples and singles

Corona Broschüre ZFG
© KS/Bierdel

How do distance and isolation change us? What emotional cycle is set in motion by isolation, quarantine and long-distance relationships? And how can a family, a couple or a single person get through this time, whose measures may determine everyday life for months to come? A brochure of the Center for Marriage and Family in Society (ZFG) of the KU addresses these and other questions.

The publication contains many scientifically researched and proven impulses as well as rules of conduct to reduce and master the diverse burdens. It is available to as a free download. The spectrum of contributions ranges from developing and maintaining a daily structure, dealing with loneliness and long-distance relationships to tips for parents − differentiated according to the age of the offspring.
The handout is available in German language, only. The resolution of the handout download is optimized for PC/Smartphone as well as for private printing. If you intend to have the brochure printed in larger quantities, please contact us (zfg-projekt(at)ku.de). You can then obtain from us a print resolution optimized for your conditions.

You can download the handout here.