News from the Assistant Professorship for Operations Management

Gipfelfoto Lehrstuhl

Department hike to the Achenseer Hochplatte

This year, the deparment biked by sunny weather conditions to the Achenseer Hochplatte. Equipped with snow shoes, we climbed together with colleagues…

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New publication

The paper “The value of stochastic crowd resources and strategic location of mini-depots for last-mile delivery: A Benders decomposition approach” has…

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Open PhD position

Currently, we are looking for a PhD student as part of a research project funded bei the German Science Foundation (DFG).
The application and project…

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New research project on urban logistics

We are happy to announce that the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the research project RessOurce and COst allocation for City lOgistics…

Cover des European Journal of Operations Research

New publication

The paper “The vehicle routing problem with load-dependent travel times for cargo bicycles” has been accepted for publication in the European Journal…

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Student assistant position available

We are looking for student assistants. Interesstest? Then send an email to pirmin.fontaine(at) for further details.

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Student assistant position available

We are looking for a student assistant. Interesstest? Then apply! Alle the details can be found here!

Cover des European Journal of Operations Research

New publication

The paper “Scheduled service network design with resource management for two-tier multimodal city logistics” has been accepted for publication in the…

Felix Kutzen - BVL Thesis Award 2020

Felix Kutzen receives the BVL Thesis Award 2020

Once a year, the Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. (BVL) honors young scientists for their excellent theses in the fields of logistics and supply chain…


What are the advantages of cargo bikes and bicycles in cities and how can data help to design these systems efficiently?

In the current issue of the Donaukurier, Assistant Professor Pirmin Fontaine discusses with Bernadette-Julia Felsch, the regional chairwoman of the…