Lego Supply Chain Game: Workshop on production scheduling

LKW aus Lego Bausteinen
© © Juniorprofessur für Operations Management an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät Ingolstadt

In January, Prof. Fontaine organized a workshop on process improvement in production scheduling. To simulate a production line, students were part of a truck production process using Lego bricks. In the beginning, an uncoordinated assembly line was given and students undertook the task of the assembly line workers, controlling, quality management, supply coordinator, customer, and production manager. After playing one round, students discussed the simulation and identified the weak spots. Then, they discussed possible improvement strategies. In each round, the most promising ideas were applied and the production was restarted again. Additionally key performance indicators were used to evaluate each round and quantify the possible improvement. Step by step, the students could improve the production process and see and influence their success in a live simulation.

We would like to thank IN Kontakt very much for the funding, which allowed us to acquire the simulation game and we are looking forward to the next workshop on production scheduling.