IN-Q Co-hosts a Thought Leadership Event: Erlebe Zukunft Jetzt

IN-Q presented its third digital event of the year on “How to Educate and Prepare the Next Generation for the Future of Work.” This thought leadership event, “Erlebe Zukunft Jetzt (Experience the Future Now)” included the voices of all major stakeholders to answer this urgent question. Participants included a policy maker, two high school pupils, a school principal, a university president, two university professors, and three industry executives. The event recorded 210 registrations and outstanding participation by the audience in the Q&A feature with 121 questions submitted during this 90-minute interactive event.

Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve served as the master of ceremonies for the event that opened with three short speeches intended to provide diverse perspectives on “How to Educate and Prepare the Next Generation for the Future of Work.” One of the three speeches was by Prof. Dr. Shashi Matta, who posed and discussed six thought-provoking questions on the topic – 1) Can education start a revolution? 2) Is education the great equalizer in the world? 3) Can education solve the world’s most urgent problems? 4) Is our current education system in schools and universities ready for the challenges of the future? 5) What, according to latest research, are the most important skills for the future of work? And 6) How can we best prepare the next generation for the future of work and society?

The two other speeches were by Benedikt Schmitz, a high school pupil student from Ingolstadt and member of the Fridays For Future movement, and Florian Holste, CEO of Achtzig20.

"Numerous think tanks agree that in the future, problem-solving and critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence will be the most important skills to thrive and succeed.  However, the current education system is obsessed with testing and memorization,” said Professor Matta during his speech. “How can our education system teach these skills to future generations?" he asked to the panel that followed.

The panel that followed included KU President, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien, Dr. Reinhard Brandl (member of the Bundestag from Ingolstadt), Edith Philipp-Rasch (principal of Reuchlin Gymnasium which is a leading high school in the region), Donal Doyle (head of IT at HiPP), and Johannes Berle (high school pupil from Katharinen-Gymnasium in Ingolstadt), and was moderated by Maximilian Mahr (a partner at Achtzig20.

Along with IN-Q, the event partners included Achtzig20, KU and WFI, and Mensch in Bewegung.

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Video Interview: Prof. Dr. Shashi Matta, Professor of Innovation & Creativity

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