Workshop "Latin in interdisciplinary curricula" in Leiden, 5. April 2023

(Leiden University, 5th April 2023, Lipsius 2.11, 9.00-12.45)

9.00    Welcome and Introduction: Suzanne Adema, Verena Schulz

9.10    Lidewij van Gils (Amsterdam): ‘Historical Sources’, an interdisciplinary course in three BA-programs (Ancient Studies, Archaeology, Classics)

9.30    Helge Baumann (Gießen): Mit dem Latein am Ende? Studying Classics at JLU Gießen with and without knowledge of Latin

9.50    Discussion

10.30  Coffee Break

11.00  Sandra Karten (Leiden): No discipline is an island? Towards interdisciplinary teaching in Dutch gymnasia

11.30  Verena Schulz (Eichstätt): Developing interdisciplinary Classics programs in Germany: current trends and challenges

11.50  Discussion

12.15  Conclusion and plans


Read as an introduction (two blogs by Wolfgang de Melo):