Approximation experts as guests at MIDS

We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Joaquín Jódar Reyes (Departamento Matemáticas Universidad de Jaen, Campus Las Lagunillas, Spain) Prof. Miguel L. Rodríguez (Dep. de Matemática Aplicada, ETSI de Caminos Canales y Puertos, Universidad de Granada, Spain) and Prof. Martin Buhmann (Justus-Liebig University Giessen) as guests at MIDS this week.

Together with Dr. Janin Jäger from Prof. Oliver's research group, they are working on improving approximation methods. These are methods for calculating approximations and functions from data. In particular, they are looking at quasi-interpolation methods, in which they do not attempt to transfer the measured values exactly into the approximation, as the values can be incorrect, but rather to smooth the data.

Prof. Buhmann also gave a talk on "New multiquadric-type interpolation and on a regular domain" at the MIDS Oberseminar on Tuesday.

In 2022, CUP published a book by Prof. Buhmann and Dr. Jäger with the title "Quasi-Interpolation"

We are always very happy to welcome international scientists at MIDS.