New Contribution on the New Silk Road – global-e (University of California, Santa Barbara)

It is the aim of global-e to explore the challenges and dynamics of the globalization in the 21th century. Therefore, the University of California, Santa Barbara launched several series to provide an online platform for the scientific exchange.

Harald Pechlaner and Hannes Thees have contributed an article on the New Silk Road within the series of Re-Globalization. The article primarily deals with challenges of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative on several market-based, but also soft factor. A sum of such factors has been explored through an excursion together with students from the master pogram on "Tourism and Regional Planning" in Central Asia (read more about the excursion here) and joint studies on mobility concepts along the Silk Road.

Read the contribution online:

Is the Silk Road a Road of Fear? Challenges of Global Transformation