Here, There, and Somewhere in Between: Placing, Practicing, Configuring

Tagung vom 10. bis 11.11.2022

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Practicing Place”

The graduate school “Practicing Place: Socio-Cultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations” at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt researches the intersections, tensions, and dynamics of place and practice within a decidedly interdisciplinary collaboration. The local, national, and transnational flows that constitute our everyday are upheld not only by the interconnection of places but by uneven circulations and bounded exclusions: competing configurations of places present challenges to the taken-for-granted, and alternative materialities, mappings, narrations, temporalities, and discourses are a site of continuous struggle. The goal of the training group is to unpick the ‘how’ of places in relation to the situatedness of any and all practices.

In our midterm conference, we are turning the focus toward the dynamics of placing – the making, taking, knowing, writing, and doing of places. In other words, the conceptual emphasis is on the ‘-ing’, the gerund of place, the practicing. We will address these interactions and intersections with keynote addresses by Tim Cresswell (University of Edinburgh) and Antje Kley (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg) as well as with talks from an international group of scholars.

The conference language is English.

If you would like to visit the conference, please register in advance by sending an email to



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