Explanations for the search mask

Here you will find explanations for the respective fields of the search mask

Toponym TP (resolved)

This field contains the resolved toponym name – as it appears on the Tabula Peutingeriana –
without abbreviations, ligatures or dots:

Aque· Populanie·     →     Aquae Populaniae
templ· avgusti·         →     Templum Augusti

A reading aid for the paleography of the Tabula Peutingeriana can be found here.

Name (Barrington-Atlas)

The ancient toponym name, the map and the grid square from the Barrington Atlas are entered in this field (Talbert, Richard/Bagnall, Roger (eds.), Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Princeton, NJ [a.o.] 2000). It is a historical atlas that shows the geography of the Ecumene (Europe, North Africa and Western Asia) in 99 large-format maps. The data records in the database are structured as follows:

"Name in the atlas" ("Map" "Grid square")

Rusippisir Municipium (TP 1C3)   →     Rusippisir (30 H3)
Tarento (6B1)                                   →     Taras/Tarentum/Neptunia (45 F4)

Name (modern)

The modern place name from the Map-by-Map Directory of the Barrington Atlas is entered in this field (Talbert, Richard/Bagnall, Roger (eds.), Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World, Princeton, NJ [a.o.] 2000) in the English version or in the respective national language of the place. If the Map-by-Map Directory does not mention a modern place name, the corresponding modern reading from Konrad Miller (Itineraria Romana. Römische Reisewege an der Hand der Tabula Peutingeriana dargestellt, Stuttgart 1916) is listed. If Miller and the Barrington Atlas mention different place names, both versions are currently listed with the addition (Barrington) / (Miller):

Florentia Tuscorum     →     Firenze o. Florence [both are found]
Fons Camerata             →     Hammam des Beni Guecha (Barrington) / Lucet (Miller)

Name (Itinerary)

The name from the edition of the Itineraria Romana (vol. 1) by Otto Cuntz is entered in this field (Itineraria Antonini Augusti et Burdigalense. Accedit tabula geographica, ed. stereotypa ed. primae 1929 / conspectum librorum recentiorum adiecit Gerhard Wirth, Stuttgart 1990). The data records in the database are structured as follows:

"Name of the place in the edition" ("Numerical indication of the place according to Wesseling/Cuntz")

Camboduno (TP 3A2)    →     Camboduno (237,3; 250,8; 258,13)
Brindisi (TP 6A1/6B1)     →     Brundisium (118,2; 315,6), Brundisio (119,1; 317,5; 323,9; 497,4; 497,6),
                                                   Brindisium (310,6), civitas Brindisi (609,9)

Itinerarium Antonini (1-486), Itinerarium Maritimum (487-529), Itinerarium Burdigalense (549-617).

Name (Ravennat)

The name from the edition of the Itineraria Romana (vol. 2) by Joseph Schnetz is entered in this field (Ravennatis Anonymi Cosmographia et Guidonis Geographica, ed. Joseph Schnetz, ed. stereotypa ed. primae 1940, Berlin 1990). The data records in the database are structured as follows:

"Name of the place in the edition" (p. "Page". "Line")

Tarentum (6B1)    →     Tarentum (p. 69.12), Tarentine (p. 73.40), Tarantum (p. 84.32)
Ydrunte (6A1)       →     Ydranta (p. 14.61), Ydrontus (p. 69.09), °Ydranto (p. 84.29)

The sign ° in front of °Ydranto means that Joseph Schnetz commented on the name form philologically and the comment was included in the comment field of the toponym.

Grid square

This field shows the cartographic grad square according to the edition Tabula Peutingeriana, ed. by Michael Rathmann, 3rd ed. Darmstadt 2018. It lists all grid squares over which the toponym extends.

Mediolanum          →     3A2 / 3B2
Italia                        →     2B5 / 3B1 / 3B3 / 4B1 / 4B3 / 4B5
Fluvius Padus        →     2B3 / 2B4 / 2B5 / 3B1 / 3B2 / 3B3 / 3A3 / 3A4 / 3B4 / 3B5 / 4B1

Toponym Type

The entries on the Tabula Peutingeriana are sorted by category in this field.

Tarento                →      Place with symbol
Suevia                  →     Region
Insula Corsica     →      Island

Vignette Type

In this field, the vignettes are systematized according to the model of Annalina & Mario Levi, Itineraria Picta. Contributo allo Studio della Tabula Peutingeriana, Rome 1967.

Tarento     →     A Double tower
Roma        →     F Large vignette

An overview of the different vignette types according to Levi/Levi can be found here.


The Tabula Peutingeriana has been divided into 19 large areas in order to provide users with sensible editing spaces. These can be displayed with a colored background via the ArcGIS application; for accessing it, please go to ArcGIS explanations.

Tarento                →     Italy
Suevia                  →     Upper Rhine / Danube
Insula Corscia     →     Mediterranean islands

Dating of the toponym on the TP

If the entry of the toponym on the TP can be dated to a specific period on the basis of a relevant terminus post or ante quem, this period was entered here.