Faculty of History and Social Science

The Faculty of History and Social Sciences (GGF) is one of the traditional, interdisciplinary and internationally oriented faculties of the KU. About 15 professors and numerous research associates ensure excellent supervision of the approximately 450 students (as of June 2020).

The Otto von Freising visiting professorship and the Görres research center of the Görres Society are located at the GGF. In the past, the German constitutional and tax law expert and former federal constitutional judge Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Paul Kirchhof and the German architectural historian Prof. Dr. Winfried Nerdinger have already enriched the faculty’s teaching practice as visiting professors. In addition, the GGF has awarded honorary doctorates to several renowned scientists, including Sir Karl R. Popper and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Beck. 

The Maximilian Kocher M. A. Foundation as well as the Professor Sutor Foundation also support research projects or Master’s theses and doctoral theses.

Faculty of History and Social Science

Please note: This website is still under construction and updated content will be available shortly. For all further information, e.g. regarding individual degree programs, please refer to the German website.

Departments and chairs

European Ethnology
  • Professorship for European Ethnology
  • Chair for Ancient History
  • Chair for Medieval History
  • Chair for Modern and Contemporary History
  • Professorship for Comparative Regional Studies and History of Early Modern Age
  • Professorship of the History of Latin America
  • Chair for Central- and Easteuropean History
  • Economical and Social History
  • Comparative History of Religious Orders
  • Professorship for Theory and Didactics of History
Political Science
  • Chair for Political Science: Political Theory and Philosophy
  • Chair for Political Science: Political Education (Didactics of Social Studies)
  • Chair of International Relations
  • Chair in Comparative Political Science