Welcome to the website of the Chair of Mathematics – Analysis


Our research group deals with current problems in applied analysis, especially in the field of variational calculus and the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations. The main focus is on the development of new mathematical methods for complex problems that feature  multi-scale or nature non-local effect. This exciting and active field of research has important applications in  materials and earth science, for example, in the design of new high-tech materials or the the study  of  geolocical strather. It also plays an important role in image processing and increasingly,  in the context of machine learning. 

More information on the team, our course offerings and research activities is available on these pages. For the list of publications, please click here.

About us

Verteidigung HS

Congratulations to Hidde Schönberger on his successful doctoral defense

On July 18, 2024, Hidde Schönberger successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Nonlocal Gradients Within Variational Models: Existence Theories and…

Lecture program at the Franz-Marc-Gymnasium

Back to school! To present schoolchildren an exciting insight into contemporary topics in university mathematics, Dr. Dominik Engl was invited to the…

[Translate to Englisch:] Europa

New BayIntAn project started

The Chair of Analysis is starting the new project "Varying horizons: Mathematical foundation of new material models with non-local energies", funded…


[Translate to Englisch:] Lageplan KGB



Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Faculty of Mathematics and Geography
Chair of Mathematics - Analysis
Main Building I B
Ostenstraße 28
85072 Eichstätt




Bettina Mann
Room: KGB-105
Phone: +49 8421 93-21629
E-Mail: bettina.mann@ku.de