Welcome to the website of the Chair of Reliable Machine Learning

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The research group "Reliable Machine Learning" studies the properties of machine learning algorithms.
In view of the recent success of deep learning methods in applications like image recognition, speech recognition, and automatic translation, the group especially focuses on properties of deep neural networks.

Although a neural network trained e.g. for an image classification task might work well on "real inputs", it has been repeatedly shown empirically that such networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples:
a minimal perturbation (impercetible to a human) of the input data can cause the network to misclassify the input.
Thus, an important research area of the group is to mathematically understand the reasons for the existence of such adversarial examples (i.e., the instability of trained neural networks),
and - building on that understanding - to develop improved methods that yield provably robust neural networks.

The research group is supported by the Emmy Noether project "Stability and Solvability in Deep Learning".

Content of Chair of reliable machine learning

About us

Math News

MIDS welcomes Prof. Pirmin Fontaine as a new member of the Institute

The graduate mathematician completed his doctorate in logistics and supply chain management at the Technical University of Munich. As a postdoc, he worked at CIRRELT, one of the world's leading research centers in the field of logistics and operations research, in Montreal, Canada. Mr. Fontaine has been a junior professor for Operations Management (with tenure track) at the KU's Faculty of Business Administration and Economics since 2019. From April, he will take over the Chair of Operations Management there.

In 2022, Wirtschafswoche recognized Pirmin Fontaine as one of the top 100 most research-intensive business economists (83rd out of 3600) and top 50 in the U40 ranking (43rd out of 500).
MIDS is very proud to be able to appoint him from the status of associate member to one of the eight full members.
An overview of all persons involved in the institute can be found HERE.

Pirmin Fontaine himself says: "I see myself at the interface between mathematics, computer science and economics. In MIDS, I have the great opportunity to work precisely at this interface."

The Data Science course, which is supervised by the professors at the institute, builds on precisely this focus and now benefits more than ever from the expertise of Prof. Fontaine and his team. You can find more information about this HERE.

Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science


The Chair of Reliable Maschine Learning is part of the new founded Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science, MIDS.
Learn more about MIDS here.