

Dialogues of Peoples, Dialogues of Art: Bronze Statues as Identity Carriers in Sicily

Guest Lecture by Dr. Aura Piccioni, Henriette Herz Junior Fellow at the KU Center for Advanced Studies "Dialogical Cultures". 

The lecture will be held in German in person. Everyone is welcome, it is not necessary to register in advance.

The main topic of this project is the study of the bronze sculptures as identity carriers, paying special attention to their origin and creation, their context, their perception and their significance in a 'hybrid' and composite society as that of Sicily from the 8th c. BC until the Roman conquer. Continuities and upheavals can be well tracked over a longer period of time, since various cultures lived in close contact and exchange in Sicily, beginning with the indigenous peoples

The mixing of the various ethnic groups led to a sort of “creolization” in art. The focus on bronze statues is due to the fact that the Greek and Roman cultures were highly “visual” and statues were ubiquitous; large figurative bronzes are probably the most sophisticated art products of the various inhabitants of ancient Sicily and come in culturally homogeneous contexts as well as in ‘hybrid’ ones.

Communication via bronze sculptures plays an important role. Through these, the clients expressed their values and showed their prestige in society. Particularly, elites shaped their own concepts with regard to integration practices, dealing with conflict and the exercise of prestige, combined with “cultural codes”, and also expressed them in the choice, preference and positioning of works of art. Therefore, bronze sculptures, or rather their ‘executors’ and ‘consumers’, were subject to social norms and values. Depending on the context, there would have been different recipients. So, clients, artists and viewers entered into a dialogue through the bronze sculptures.

The aim of this study is a detailed introduction to a major project, in order to systematize the sources and provide some preliminary remarks.

Find out more here.

Previous Events


Conversational agents as the future of search: exploring dialogical care through the digital

Vortrag von Dr. Renée Ridgway, Digital Cultures Fellow

28.07.2022, 16:00 Uhr

Augustus in Saigon!? Dialoge zwischen westlichem Altertum, kolonialer Vergangenheit und post-kolonialer Gesellschaft in Vietnam

Vortrag von Dialogkulturen Senior Fellow Prof. Dr. Sven Günther (Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China)

27.07.2022, 10:00 Uhr

Augustus in Saigon!? Da war der erste römische Kaiser doch nie?! Richtig, aber schon seit der Antike und dann vor allem in der französischen Kolonialzeit gab es Kontakte, und zwar nicht nur mit dem Westen, sondern gerade auch mit der griechisch-römischen Bilderwelt. Der Vortrag untersucht die Nutzung griechisch-römischer Motive in der kolonialen Bildsprache (Architektur, Statuen, Geld, Briefmarken) und fragt nach den Formen und Praktiken der heutigen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Teil des kolonialen „Erbes“ in post-kolonialen Diskursräumen unter Zuhilfenahme von Frames- und Framing-Theorien.


Link zur Online-Ausstellung „Augustus in Saigon!?“, im Rahmen des gleichnamigen Kurses erstellt von Studenten der Fulbright University Vietnam:


Conference "'The Public Sphere in Agony' -- Re-Thinking the Dialogical, Performative Assembly, and Civic Culture"

International interdisciplinary conference
KU Center for Advanced Studies “Dialogical Cultures"
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
23-25 June 2022


Politics with objects? The affective materiality of contentious politics

Lecture by Dialogical Cultures Junior Fellow Dr. Julius Rogenhofer (Cambridge/Leuven)

In this presentation Dialogical Cultures Junior Fellow Dr. Julius Maximilian Rogenhofer introduces the theoretical framework of his new manuscript project The Politics of Ordinary Objects (co-authored with Cambridge social theorist Dr. Filipe Carreira da Silva). Merging literatures on contentious politics, affect, and material culture with insights from American Pragmatism he investigates how ordinary objects can become politically significant and how such objects influence struggles for rights, recognition, and group position. In an attempt to bridge the material and the ideational worlds, the argument developed gives credence to the affordances of “humble” and often overlooked objects, without simultaneously denigrating the significance of human interpreters. This new theoretical perspective enables a novel interpretation of contemporary political phenomena ranging from populism to anti-authoritarian protest movements and conspiracy thinking.

Workshop "Kommunikationsstörungen im neronischen Prinzipat"

Workshop of the KU Ancient History Studies in Cooperation with the KU Center for Avanced Studies Dialogical Cultures, February 10-11, 2022

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Lecture by Dialogical Cultures KU Junior Research Fellow Dr. Dominik Brabant (Art History), 11 Jan. 2022



Kulturkontakte als Konzept? Überlegungen zu Form- und Bildsprache der Sarkophage aus der Königsnekropole von Sidon

Lecture by Dr. Stephan Faust, Dialogical Cultures Senior Research Fellow
(Classical Archaeology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg), 30 Nov, 2021.

Literaturgeschichte als Dialogkultur – Die Kunst der Prosa und die Gegenwart der Antike in der Literatur Südfrankreichs im 5. Jahrhundert

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Alexander Arweiler, Dialogical Cultures Senior Research Fellow (University of Münster, Classical Philology), Oct 26, 2021

Conference „Lateinische Literatursprache und Werkcharakter. Sprachliche Gestalt,  Stil, Form und Text in spätantiker Literatur“

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Alexander Arweiler und Prof. Dr. Bardo Gauly, sponsored by the KU CAS Dialogical Cultures, Oct 5-8, 2021

Reading Fronto in 4th-century Rome

Lecture by Dialogical Cultures Research Fellow Dr. Sara Fascione, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Tuesday, 06 July 2021, 12.00 - 01.30 pm [Zoom]

The KU CAS organizes on a regular basis Brown-Bag Lunch Presentations and Colloquia, Lectures, and Conferences. All events are announced here.