

Devotio et charitas excitari: Inner and Outer dialogues in Mechthild of Hackeborn

Guest Lecture by Dr. Davide Bagnardi, Henriette Herz Junior Fellow at the KU Center for Advanced Studies "Dialogical Cultures". 

The lecture will be held in person, without Zoom transmission. Everyone is welcome, it is not necessary to register in advance.

From 1251, under the guidance of its second abbess, Gertrude of Hackeborn (1232 – 1291 or 1292), the Cistercian monastery of Helfta, east of Eisleben, experienced the period of its maximal cultural flourishing and became the radiating center of Saxon female mysticism in the 13th century, above all due to the co-presence of three intellectual gems of vivid splendor: Mechtilde of Hackeborn, Gertrude of Helfta, and Mechtilde of Magdeburg. Mechtilde of Hackeborn received an excellent education and, in constant dialogue with the divinity, narrated her mystical experiences to an anonymous sister and to Gertrude of Helfta. The nuns, therefore, decided to write down what Mechtilde narrated: the Liber Specialis Gratiae was born. The first five of the seven books that make up the work hinge on Mechtilde’s revelations, the descriptions of the transcendent experiences, which are extremely vivid and endowed with a refined pictorial elegance. Every significant moment is placidly punctuated by the intimate dialogue that the mystic maintains with the Son of God.

The Liber Specialis Gratiae immediately enjoyed considerable success, particularly in northern Europe. Although in all likelihood the first draft of the work actually took place in Latin, some claim that it was written in German. Whatever the actual situation, there is no organic philological study on the Latin text that methodically compares the works of the two mystics who grew up and educated in Helfta, fruits of a common feeling and daily reciprocity, and which reconstructs the intellectual and spiritual mosaic kept inside the monastery. The same problem concerns other aspects of the Liber.

Aim of this project is the accurate reconstruction of the framework of interdependencies in the Latin mystical-literary production of the convent, outlining the lines of development of the cloister’s production and the dialogue with the divinity and the other mystics of the time, with an eye to contemporary women writers.

You can find out more here

Previous Events


Conversational agents as the future of search: exploring dialogical care through the digital

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Augustus in Saigon!? Dialoge zwischen westlichem Altertum, kolonialer Vergangenheit und post-kolonialer Gesellschaft in Vietnam

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27.07.2022, 10:00 Uhr

Augustus in Saigon!? Da war der erste römische Kaiser doch nie?! Richtig, aber schon seit der Antike und dann vor allem in der französischen Kolonialzeit gab es Kontakte, und zwar nicht nur mit dem Westen, sondern gerade auch mit der griechisch-römischen Bilderwelt. Der Vortrag untersucht die Nutzung griechisch-römischer Motive in der kolonialen Bildsprache (Architektur, Statuen, Geld, Briefmarken) und fragt nach den Formen und Praktiken der heutigen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Teil des kolonialen „Erbes“ in post-kolonialen Diskursräumen unter Zuhilfenahme von Frames- und Framing-Theorien.


Link zur Online-Ausstellung „Augustus in Saigon!?“, im Rahmen des gleichnamigen Kurses erstellt von Studenten der Fulbright University Vietnam:


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KU Center for Advanced Studies “Dialogical Cultures"
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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Conference „Lateinische Literatursprache und Werkcharakter. Sprachliche Gestalt,  Stil, Form und Text in spätantiker Literatur“

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Tuesday, 06 July 2021, 12.00 - 01.30 pm [Zoom]

The KU CAS organizes on a regular basis Brown-Bag Lunch Presentations and Colloquia, Lectures, and Conferences. All events are announced here.