Regional, location and destination development

An essential spatial reference point of tourism research is the destination as a tourist area. From an entrepreneurial and macro-regional perspective, the Chair of Tourism examines various concepts in application-oriented settings: destination management, destination governance, destination leadership and destination design. In a comprehensive view, we understand the destination and its tourism businesses as embedded in cross-sectoral development spaces, which profitably promote each other with a location management, among other things. Current challenges, such as resortization, shortage of skilled workers, responsibility and resilience are always included and evaluated against a scientific background.


Journal Publications

Strategies and measures directed towards overtourism: a perspective of European DMOs.

In: International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2019


Christian Eckert
Daniel Zacher
Harald Pechlaner
Philipp Namberger
Jürgen Schmude



Due to both the new quality and intensity overtourism discussions have received, it is time to examine the question concerning the consequences this development has on destination level and how destinations can adjust their strategies for future development. This is especially important to consider, since overtourism can be seen as a fundamental issue for tourism development. First measures taken within destinations show that reactions are taking place, e.g. through access restrictions of frequently visited places. The purpose of this paper is to identify future-oriented strategies and to derive concrete measures in order to deal with overtourism on a destination level.

In total, 19 qualitative interviews with European destination managers were conducted and evaluated via the qualitative analysis method GABEK® with WinRelan® software.

The results show that various stakeholders are involved in overtourism, with the destination management organization being the central actor to deal with issues. It is challenging to choose between different strategies and measures, which always have to be considered in relation to the specific conditions of a destination and the perception level of overtourism. In order to face current developments, the initiation of a stakeholder dialog can be seen as a promising factor, but also as a challenging task.

Currently, a “wait-and-see-attitude” exists, where well-known destinations are cited as negative examples, but a serious examination related to one’s own destination has not yet been developed. This consideration should be seen as a prerequisite for future-oriented destination development, which takes the local population into account.

Destination governance transitions in skiing destinations : a perspective on resortisation

In: Tourism Management Perspectives, 2019


Sara Nordin
Michael Volgger
Gill Alison
Harald Pechlaner


While destination governance has grown into a mature research field, the dynamic analysis of destination governance transitions remains in its infancy. Therefore, this paper analyses and compares the destination governance transitions in the successful skiing destinations of Åre (Sweden), Whistler (Canada) and Dolomites (Italy). This multiple case study unveils development patterns in governance transitions and investigates the factors that trigger such transitions. In particular, the paper investigates whether leading skiing destinations get increasingly corporatised and ‘resortisised’. It also scrutinises what could trigger processes of ‘resortisation’ and focuses on the impact of crises. The study finds that governance is an adaptive phenomenon that transforms over time, but no strictly uniform transition pattern is detected. While differences arise from varying starting conditions and crises, the commonality is to be found in an apparent convergence of destination governance towards an intermediate stage of ‘socially licensed resorts’ with a minimum of community acceptance.

Cooperative resorts : An analysis of creative integration strategies in community destinations

In: Journal of destination marketing & management, 2018


Michael Volgger
Marcus Herntrei
Harald Pechlaner
Sabine Pichler


Hotel resorts may be understood as stand-alone, large-scale tourist operations. Hotel resort development provides a sometimes criticised but repeatedly followed path towards efficient and effective tourism operations. However, a strong regimentation of quantitative hotel growth complicated such hotel resort development in the region of South Tyrol, Italy, and has prompted some hotel businesses to build alternative strategic alliances. These alliances can be regarded as ‘cooperative resorts’ and characteristically include the integration of spatially divided and legally autonomous hotels within community destinations. The aim of this paper is to explore the nature of these observed cooperative resorts, to trace historical origins and reasons for their appearance and to investigate their impact on broader community destination networks. Based on a series of qualitative interviews, the paper finds that in contrast to enclave-type hotel resort models, cooperative resorts have a reduced tendency to segregate themselves from the respective destination networks, but rather affect their balance of power and impact on destination leadership.

Joint responsibility and understanding of resilience from a DMO perspective – an analysis of different situations in Bavarian tourism destinations

In: International Journal of Tourism Cities, 2018


Harald Pechlaner
Daniel Zacher
Christian Eckert
Lukas Petersik, (Audi AG, Ingolstadt, Germany)




The purpose of this paper is to discuss responsibility in tourism destinations. On the basis of a resilience approach, central aspects of leadership and of responsibility in destination networks are introduced and, a contribution to a conceptual analysis of the future viability of tourism destinations is made. This contributes to a better understanding of resilience from a destination management organization (DMO) perspective in the context of shared responsibility.    


To achieve this goal, a qualitative interview series was conducted with destination managers in urban and rural areas. The interviews were evaluated using the method of GABEK®, in order to reveal and visualize semantic relationships between the specific statements. This method allows the representation of linkages and relationships of keywords from interview transcripts in the form of network graphs.    


A major result is the existence of a network of leaders who take responsibility for tourism development within a tourism destination. Within this network, the destination manager once again plays a key role by developing and formulating visions, goals and strategies. In this context, the relevant employees of the DMO have an important role to play, since they are an important resource of tourism development due to their experience and competences.    


The paper contributes to a practical view on the development of visions and strategies. It analyzes challenges and possible ways to communicate with the required political and public actors of the destination as well as with the service providers to regard destination development as a collaborative task.

The practice of destination governance : a comparative analysis of key dimensions and underlying concepts

In: Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 2017


Michael Volgger
Harald Pechlaner
Sabine Pichler



Most of research on destination governance focuses on reporting the results of single case studies, whose findings are often related to the particularities of the specific destinations considered. As a result, there is little (empirical) consistency in underlying principles and dimensions of destination governance. To overcome this gap, this paper presents a combined (re-)analysis of multiple qualitative case studies and empirically develops destination governance dimensions from a practitioner point of view. Findings show that theoretical conceptualisation of destination governance and practical foci differ in some respects: In contrast to governance theory, practitioners refer more to context, process and change.

Health region development from the perspective of system theory - an empirical cross-regional case study

In: Social Science & Medicine : an international journal, 2014


Michael Volgger
Tomas Mainil
Harald Pechlaner



Governments are increasingly establishing health regions to deal with current challenges of public health service. These regions are seen as instruments to balance public and private stakeholders, and offer health care to regional citizens as well as to medical/health tourists. However, it is still unclear how the development of such health regions as well as their governance may be conceptualized. We apply Luhmann's system theory approach in the context of a cross-regional case study that compares health region developments in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano–South Tyrol (Italy) with particular regard to the Eastern Dolomites and in the province of Zeeland (the Netherlands). We suggest that Luhmann's system theory provides a useful set of criteria to evaluate and judge health region development. Fully developed health regions can be understood as auto-poietic systems. By emphasizing programs, personnel, and communication channels, these case studies illustrate the suitability of the system theory toolset to analyze the governance and spatial embeddedness of health regions. Additionally, the study contributes to literature by indicating that health regions are closely related to identity issues and to decision making in regions.

Cooperative core competencies in tourism: Combining resource-based and relational approaches in destination governance

In: European Journal of Tourism Research, 2014


Harald Pechlaner
Monika Bachinger
Michael Volgger
Elisabeth Anzengruber-Fischer



Community-based tourist destinations can be understood as networks of tourism service providers, which need to combine their resources and competencies to generate the overall holiday experience. Building on strategic management theories, the study aims at exploring the relationship between the destinations management’s reflexive capabilities and the cooperative core competencies of a tourist destination. By means of reflexive capabilities, destination management is suggested to be able to induce a high level of network quality, which in turn may be a pre-condition for the interlacing of the service providers’ competencies and resources, i.e. for the development of cooperative core competencies. Based on a quantitative survey in Bavaria, the results support these assumptions and indicate that reflexive capabilities may promote the development of cooperative core competencies in tourist destinations. The paper advances tourism literature by introducing, operationalizing and testing the idea of cooperative core competencies in the context of tourist destinations.

Destination leadership: a new paradigm for tourist destinations?

In: Tourism review, 2014


Harald Pechlaner
Metin Kozak
Michael Volgger



This special issue of Tourism Review provides an original body of work that complements existing research on tourist destinations, and offers an opportunity for tourism research to contribute to broader leadership theorizing.

This editorial introduction embeds the included papers into general reflections about destination leadership.

This introduction summarizes how the papers in this special issue contribute to two streams of research: First, the papers use and advance leadership theories that are particularly suited to inter-organizational contexts, such as distributed and systemic leadership. Second, they illustrate that destination leadership needs to be treated and understood in relationship to governance arrangements, power structures, and social networks among leaders.

Sustainable destination competitiveness greatly depends on effective strategies as well as efficient and inclusive processes and structures. Existing research on destination management and destination governance clearly illustrates the relevance of these requirements. However, the human factor in the form of motivation, inspiration, and role modeling – i.e. destination leadership – is also crucial. Yet, so far leadership has not received the necessary attention in both tourist destinations and networked environments in general. This is all the more remarkable since social networks pose particular challenges for leadership.

From mobility space towards experience space: implications for the competitiveness of destinations

Tourism Review2012


Harald Pechlaner
Sabine Pichler
Marcus Herntrei



Destinations are embedded in a competitive environment, in which quality and service alone do not satisfy the customer, and are no longer useful for differentiation. Thus experiences, as a source of customer value, are gaining importance in destination management. Experiences are provided at isolated attraction points, rather than as networks within spaces. Thus, destinations are forced to provide emotional experiences along the entire tourist service chain within the destination space. The challenge is to transform the space of the tourist's movements into one of experiences. The main purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual framework for the mobility offer in the destination, the realised mobility and the relative experience.

The construct was empirically tested on the culture event MANIFESTA 7, one of Europe's biggest events for contemporary art, which took place on four different, spatially unconnected locations in the northern Italian region of Trentino‐South Tyrol. In total 1,394 quantitative face‐to‐face interviews were conducted.

The results of the study show that the concept of different spaces can be elaborated and measured. Further, a causal relationship between the spaces was found. Thus, the spaces build on one another. It was also found that the experience space has a strong influence on overall satisfaction of the visitors and likelihood of recommendation.

Research limitations/implications
This study has some limitations, including that further research on this approach is needed in order to find ways to measure individual experiences and spatial behaviour simultaneously.

The findings from this study constitute an attempt to determine a structured approach to this interdisciplinary field of research. They should also help managers and planners to improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of destinations.


Destination und Lebensraum Perspektiven touristischer Entwicklung

Harald Pechlaner



Das Buch stellt eine Übersicht zu ausgewählten Themen der aktuellen tourismuswissenschaftlichen Forschung vor. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt der Beiträge auf Fragestellungen der Destinationsforschung, ausgehend vom Destinationsmanagement über Destination Governance bis hin zu Destination Leadership und Destination Design.

Overtourism Tourism Management and Solutions

Harald Pechlaner
Elisa Innerhofer
Greta Erschbamer



Overtourism explores a growing phenomenon in tourism that is currently creating tensions in both urban and rural tourist destinations worldwide. This volume proposes a framework for a series of possible solutions and management strategies for dealing with overtourism and the various negative impacts that large quantities of tourists can impose.

Questioning the causes of this phenomenon – such as increased prosperity and mobility, technological development, issues of security and stigma for certain parts of the world, and so on – this book supposes that better visitor management strategies and distribution of tourists can offset the negative impacts of overtourism. Individual chapters focus on a range of destinations including Venice, Barcelona and Dubrovnik, as well as UNESCO cultural and natural heritage sites, where local political actors and public authorities are not always able to deal with the situation effectively.

Integrating research and practice, this book will be of great interest to upper-level students, researchers and academics in tourism, development studies, cultural studies and sustainability, as well as professionals in the field of tourism management.

Keine Strategie ohne Verantwortung - Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Standort- und Regionalentwicklung.

Harald Pechlaner
Michael Tretter



Die Beitragsautoren dieses Bandes thematisieren u.a. aus der Perspektive des (Strategischen) Managements, der empirischen Zukunftsforschung, der Regionalentwicklung und Raumordnung die Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung für Unternehmen, Regionen und Standorte. Zukunftsfähige Strategien für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft können nur im engen Verbund zwischen Unternehmen, Standorten und Regionen sowie durch die Kooperation von Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft gelingen.

Schrumpfung und Rückbau - Perspektiven der Regional- und Destinationsentwicklung.

Elisa Innerhofer
Harald Pechlaner



Immer deutlicher tritt zutage, dass flächendeckendes Wachstum nicht möglich ist: Boomende Zentren sind ohne ihre Gegenpole nicht zu haben - Wachstum und Rückzug sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille, sie existieren nur mit- und nebeneinander. Was wir daher brauchen, ist eine Debatte über Strategien für Räume, deren Zukunft in wirtschaftlicher oder gesellschaftlicher Hinsicht ungünstig aussieht.

Der vorliegende Band thematisiert Schrumpfung und Rückbau vor allem als Teil einer Entwicklung und weniger als das Gegenteil von Wachstum. Die wissenschaftlichen und praxisbezogenen Beiträge sollen zu einer Sensibilisierung für diese räumlichen Entwicklungen beitragen. Wenn wir Rückzug und Rückbau als Chance begreifen, betroffene Gebiete als Lebens- und Erlebnisräume neu zu positionieren, können periphere Räume Attraktivität zurückgewinnen. Das Buch ist ein Plädoyer, Ausstiegs- oder Schrumpfungsprozesse aktiv zu gestalten, um die Herausforderungen und Probleme derartiger Räume gezielt angehen zu können.

Book Contributions

Does the Living Space Prevent Destination Development? The Bavarian Town of Eichstaett as a Space of Possibilities.

In: Michael Volgger, Dieter Pfister: Atmospheric Turn in Culture and Tourism: Place, Design and Process Impacts on Customer Behaviour, Marketing and Branding, 2019


Harald Pechlaner
Daniel Zacher
Elina Gavriljuk
Christian Eckert


The development of tourism can be considered from a tourist and a local perspective. The tourism space functions both as a tourism destination and a living space for local residents. Methods of atmospheric design can contribute to consider the guest’s view which can bring dynamism into the development of places and locations. This is seen as an interesting option for the Bavarian small town of Eichstaett in Germany, whose challenges and opportunities in tourism development are the focus of this contribution. Small towns have the potential to achieve tourism visibility and to increase the quality of life of the local population through a stronger engagement with the atmospheric design of their space.

Tourismus in Deutschland 2030 - Chancen und Herausforderung der Digitalisierung

In: Thomas Bieger,  Pietro Beritelli, Christian Laesser: Innovative Konzepte im alpinen Tourismus, Schweizer Jahrbuch für Tourismus 2019/2020


Hannes Thees
Harald Pechlaner
Franziska Thiele


Anhand einer Delphi-Analyse in der deutschen Tourismusbranche zielt dieser Beitrag darauf ab, Thesen zur Digitalisierung der Tourismusbranche für 2030 zu diskutieren. Das Jahr 2030 steht dabei für eine nahe Zukunft mit dem Anspruch, Strategien samt Umsetzungsmaßnahmen formulieren zu können. Wenngleich theoretische Modelle und Konzepte zum digitalen Wandel vorliegen, bleibt die Implementierung von Technologie auf einzelbetrieblicher Ebene, sowie in Destinationen und strategischen Kooperationen eine Herausforderung. Am Beispiel von vier Thesen zur Zukunft von Reisebüros, mobile Commerce, Datenmanagement und Innovationsfähigkeit werden Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeiten und Barrieren analysiert. Anhand dieser Faktoren diskutiert und in der Schlussbetrachtung die Notwendigkeit einer strategischen Verankerung von Digitalisierungsstrategien auf verschiedenen Ebenen und in unterschiedlicher Verantwortung.


Standorthistorische Chrakteristika als Grundlage einer verstärkten Profilbildung

Standorthistorische Chrakteristika als Grundlage einer verstärkten Profilbildung


Bieger, Beritelli & Laesser (Hrsg.):
Neue Technologien und Kommunikation im alpinen Tourismus

Published: 2019

Christian Eckert
Harald Pechlaner


Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich angesichts der Case-Study Nürnberg mit den ressourcenbasierten, endogenen Potenzialen einer verstärkten Profilbildung touristischer Destinationen. Mittels eines qualitativen Zugangs sollen auf Basis eines standortspezifischen Werte- und Themengerüsts Charakteristika identifiziert werden, die im Zuge der Bewerbung Nürnbergs zur Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt 2025 zu Alleinstellungsmerkmalen herausgearbeitet werden können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, dass Nürnberg vor dem Hintergrund seiner Rolle u.a. als Freie Reichsstadt und Kaufmannsstadt sowie der Rolle während des Nationalsozialismus gewissermaßen als „Lehrwerkstatt europäischer Geschichte“ betrachtet werden kann und sich in diesem Rahmen im Zuge einer Profilbildung von anderen Wettbewerbern zu differenzieren vermag.

Zur Zukunft der Organisation des Tourismus

Zur Zukunft der Organisation des Tourismus - Ansätze für die Regionalentwicklung und des Destinationsmanagement aus bayerischer Perspektive


Bieger, Beritelli, Laesser (Hrsg.):
Markt- und Branchenentwicklungen im alpinen Tourismus

Published: 2017

Harald Pechlaner
Daniel Zacher
Sebastian Speer


Der Tourismus nimmt in Bayern eine besondere wirtschaftliche Stellung ein. Aus historischer Perspektive entwickelte sich daraus ein mehr oder weniger hierarisches Organisationsgeflecht mit Unklarheiten in der Aufgabenverteilung. Um die Zukunftsfähigkeit gewährleisten zu können, bedarf es hierzu einer Klarstellung. Anhand der Fallstudie werden Zugänge für die künftige Entwicklung mit einem praktischen Zugang aufgezeigt. Eine besondere Rolle spielen dabei innovative Lösungen zur freiwilligen Einbeziehung der Privatwirtschaft in Sachverhalte der Destinationsentwicklung. Um die hieraus hervorgehenden Strategien wirkungsvoll umsetzen zu können, wird im Besonderen auf die Rolle des Destinationsmanagers der Zukunft eingegangen und sein Anforderungsprofil skizziert.