Bavarian spatial planning in transition


For many years, spatial planning in Bavaria was considered a role model for other federal states. The decentralised settlement of universities and colleges, the high-quality open space protection and a wise settlement development based on Christaller’s Zentrale-Orte-Konzept were exemplary for a socially and ecologically sustainable state development policy. In the recent past, however, the state has increasingly abandoned its regulatory and coordinating role in spatial development. This was replaced by a less differentiated spatial development policy based on the premises of liberalisation, deregulation and municipalisation.

Historically, this development can be understood as the two-fold paradox of Bavarian spatial planning policy. On the one hand, formalised planning efforts by the state of Bavaria began in the late 1970s, when the neoliberal ideas of the Chicago School of Economics gained political influence. On the other hand, in the decline of neoliberal thinking in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis, the Bavarian state government declared this very concept of deregulation, liberalisation and communalisation - with austere features - to be the guiding principle of its regional planning policy.

Against this background, the project examines the connection between the state's restructuring processes in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis and the state's withdrawal from its planning tasks.

Project staff: Dr. Simon Dudek


M. Miosga, S. Büchs, S. Dudek, A. Klee, R. Klein, C. Odewald, R. Paesler, T. Weick & H.-M. Zademach (2020): Neuorientierung der Raumordnung in Bayern = Positionspapier aus der ARL 117, Hannover: ARL.

Zademach, H.-M., Dudek, S. (2021): Soziale Infrastruktur und räumliche Gerechtigkeit: Zum Potenzial des Ansatzes der Fundamentalökonomie, in: M. Miosga (Hrsg.): Neue Perspektiven einer zukunftsfähigen Raumordnung in Bayern, Hannover: ARL.

Dudek, S. (2021): Bayerische Landesentwicklung im Lichte von Finanzkrise und austeritätspolitischem Föderalismus: Bestandsaufnahme und Herausforderungen, in: M. Miosga (Hrsg.): Neue Perspektiven einer zukunftsfähigen Raumordnung in Bayern, Hannover: ARL.

Dudek, S. (2021): Von der Landesplanung zum kommunalen Wettbewerb: Eine Cultural Political Economy-Analyse bayerischer Raumordnungspolitik zwischen 2008 und 2018. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.