KU Equal Opportunity Concept

The Equal Opportunity Concept of the KU

In 2015, an initial Equal Opportunity Concept was adopted by the KU Senate. The analysis of the situation at that time showed that the KU is a female-dominated University, as many women study here. However, men form a clear majority in committees and at the professorial level. In the mid-level faculty, the gender distribution is more balanced.


Update of the Equal Opportunity Concept in 2018

As part of the application for the Professorinnenprogramm III of the German federal and state governments to promote gender equality in science and research at German universities, a working group has updated the KU's Equal Opportunity Concept.

The 2018 Equal Opportunity Concept includes a new situation analysis as well as a review and reassessment of the catalog of measures from the 2015 concept. The optimization of a gender-equitable personnel policy and the promotion of early-career women researchers are identified as particular focal points for equality work in the coming years.

In addition to the KU Women and Equal Opportunity Officer, employees of the Human Resources Department, the Research Service Center (ZFF), and the Center for Marriage and Family in Society (ZFG) were also involved in the creation of the concept.

Gender Equality Plan of the KU

In order to counteract the underrepresentation of women in science, the EU Commission has required a Gender Equality Plan from universities applying for EU third-party funding since 2022. 

The Gender Equality Plan of the KU provides information about the structural anchoring of gender equality at the KU, about personnel and financial resources for gender equality work, about central offers in the field of gender equality, about gender equality and gender research in teaching and further education, about the monitoring of equality-related data at the KU and about the prevention of sexual harassment. All relevant KU documents are linked in the document, which can be found here.