About us

The Women and Equal Opportunity Officers at the KU support the University in fulfilling its task of enforcing the actual equality of women and men and taking this into account as a guiding principle. They also work towards the elimination of existing disadvantages. We are the contact persons for gender equality issues and conflict situations for all researchers, students and for the academic support staff.


Our team

Legal basis


  • Committee work
  • Consultation and participation in the conception of development and gender equality promotion plans
  • Elimination of discrimination and resolution of gender-specific conflicts
  • Monitoring of equal opportunities at the KU
  • Advising on gender equality-specific issues, e.g., reconciling family and employment, ensuring equal opportunities, or disability-related university concerns
  • Promotion of young female academics through workshops and continuing education events
  • Integration of gender and diversity perspectives into academic curricula and continuing education programs for faculty at the KU

Our team

The Conference of Women and Equal Opportunity Officers at the KU is composed of the following members:

  • the Women and Equal Opportunity Officers for the entire university
  • the women and equal opportunity officers of the individual faculties
  • the women and equal opportunity officers of the academic support staff
  • the women and equal opportunity officers of the Student Representatives Council.

The representatives are elected by the Senate (FuGB of the entire university) or the faculty council (FuGB of the individual faculties) for their term of office in accordance with the detailed provisions of Section 7 WahlO. The Presidium decides on resignations for important reasons. In case of resignation of a FuGB or the deputy during the term of office, new elections shall be held. A change between the FuGB and the deputy(s) is not foreseen during the term of office.

Legal basis

In defining the tasks of the Women and Equal Opportunity Officer of the KU, the following texts and documents are instrumental: