[Translate to Englisch:] Sommerresidenz

Supporters of the University

Eichstätter Universitätsgesellschaft e.V.

(Eichstätt university association)

This association aims to support the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in achieving the goals outlined in Article 2 of the Foundation Charter of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Foundation.

It focuses in particular on promoting research and teaching projects, cultural events, and the University’s educational goals. The association accepts donations for these purposes.

In accordance with its statues, all donations are used exclusively to support academic and social causes.

Bank details for donations:
Liga Bank Eichstätt (bank code: 750 903 00), account no.: 7647220
Sparkasse Eichstätt (bank code: 721 513 40), account no.: 10942
Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG (bank code: 721 608 18), account no.: 9645705



Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt
Ostenstraße 26
85072 Eichstätt

Chair: mayor of Eichstätt Andreas Steppberger
Deputy chair: Christian Alberter
Director:   Dr. Christian Klenk
Schatzmeister:  Manfred Welser

Förderkreis für die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät in Ingolstadt der KU

Förderkreis für die Fakultät Soziale Arbeit der KU

(Supporters of the KU’s Faculty of Social Work)

Chair: Gerhart Rott, Referat Weltkirche des Bistums Eichstätt
Deputy chair: Ursula Schade
Director: Willi Reinbold
Treasurer: Gertrud Schade

The aim of this group is to support practical research and teaching at the Faculty of Social Work, particularly research into social deficits and measures in social pedagogy and social work.

Bank details for donations:
Liga Bank Eichstätt (bank code: 750 903 00), account no.: 7630549



Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 26
85072 Eichstätt


(Maximilian Bickhoff university foundation)

This foundation promotes research projects at the only Catholic university in Germany – the KU. As it supports academia, the foundation is registered as a charitable organization. Receipts are issued for all donations. More information is available on the foundation’s website.



Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kropač
Ulmer Hof, Room: UH-216
85072 Eichstätt

Secretary’s office: Andrea Biersack
Tel.: +49 8421 / 93-21504,
E-Mail: bickhoff-stiftung(at)ku.de



Professor Sutor-Stiftung

(Professor Sutor foundation)

This foundation was established with the goal of enabling students from Germany’s eastern neighbor countries, especially Poland and the Czech Republic, to spend a semester or year studying at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt with the help of a scholarship. It is currently able to issue one scholarship per year. Applications should be sent to the dean of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences and must be received by January 15 for the next summer semester or July 1 for the next academic year.



Dean of the Faculty of History and Social Sciences
Tel: +49 8421 / 93 - 21286
E-Mail: dekanat-ggf@ku.de



(Alfons Fleischmann association)

This association is an initiative of the student group Katholische Studentenverbindung Alcimonia im CV zu Eichstätt and was established in 2011. It aims to support and promote the development of the KU through a variety of measures, such as organizing symposiums and awarding prizes for excellent theses.

Westenstraße 83. 85072 Eichstätt

Bank details for donations:
Liga Bank eGIBAN: DE24750903000001360990, BIC: GENODEF1M05



Stephan Ley
Tel: +49 89 / 17119417
E-Mail: vorsitzender(at)alfons-fleischmann-verein.de

Deputy chair
Dr. Veit Neumann
Tel: +49 941 / 5998700
E-Mail: stellv_vorsitzender(at)alfons-fleischmann-verein.de

Theodora Boruszczak
Tel: +49 176 / 62401756
E-Mail: kassier(at)alfons-fleischmann-verein.de

LIGA Bank - Förderprogramm

(LIGA Bank support program)

This program enables the LIGA Essay Prize to be awarded. The aim of the prize is to increase the visibility of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt outside of the region and to strengthen its profile. In 2015, a prize for innovative teaching was awarded for the first time by the LIGA Bank foundation.


Prof. Dr. Klaus Meier
Vice president for studies and teaching
Telefon +49 8421 93-21466
E-Mail vizepraesident-lehre(at)ku.de

E-Mail deutschlandstipendium(at)ku.de


Eichstätter Universitätsstiftung

(Eichstätt university foundation)

Chair: Director of the Ordinariate Thomas Schäfers

Members of the board:

  • Director of the Ordinariate Thomas Schäfers
  • Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien
  • Jochen Müller
  • Regens Michael Wohner
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Ullmann
  • Prof. Dr. Rafael M. Rieger OFM

This foundation’s aim is to promote research, teaching, and studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. It supports students and young researchers, in particular through academic projects, exchange programs, grants for participation in academic conferences, scholarships, and university partnerships. 



Stefanie Sauerbrey
Phone: 08421 / 93-21379

Martina Baller
Phone: 08421 / 93-21523
e-Mail: martina.baller(at)ku.de



Maximiliana Kocher M.A. Stiftung

(Maximiliana Kocher, MA, foundation)

The aim of this foundation is to promote research and academic study in the field of history, in particular Bavarian regional history. As it supports academia, the foundation is registered as a charitable organization. Receipts are issued for all donations.



Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Frau Prof. Dr. Sabine Ullmann
Universitätsallee 1, 85072 Eichstätt


The Deutschlandstipendium was introduced in 2011 by the Federal Government as a public-private education partnership. The German government and society aim to provide joint support for talented, high-achieving and motivated young people during the course of their education. Selected students at state and state-recognized universities in Germany receive €300 per month – irrespective of income. Half of the scholarship amount is provided by private sponsors, foundations and companies, the other €150 are provided by the Federal Government. Universities apply holistic performance criteria when awarding scholarships – in addition to excellent academic results, decisive criteria are also civic engagement and whether candidates have successfully overcome difficulties in their life or academic career. Scholarship holders receive the funding for at least two semesters but not exceeding the standard length of their program of study.